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83 Items.  Showing Items 81 thru 83.
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NewWARREN, FITZ-HENRY (1816-78) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; U.S. Minister to Guatemala – 1867-69

# 11050

Signature, “Fitz Henry Warren,” on a 1” x 2 ½” portion of a document as “SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL.”

Affixed to larger backing.

Price: $55.00

NewWEBSTER, JOSEPH DANA (1811-76) Union Brigadier General; Early-war service as chief of staff for General Ulysses S. Grant; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10894

Signature & Rank, “J.D. Webster, B[rigadier] G[eneral],” on a 1” x 3” slip of lined paper.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old hinge remnants on the reverse.

Price: $75.00

NewWHEELER, JOSEPH (1836-1906) Confederate Major General; U.S. Army Major General of Volunteers during the Spanish-American War; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1881-83 & 1885-1900

# 09168

Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 12 ½”, March 15, 1879, Lawrence County, Alabama, “Jos. Wheeler,” a partly printed legal document; accomplished in a clerical hand and signed by Wheeler beneath.

Moderate toning and wear, with a few small holes along the usual horizontal folds; heavier staining at center; chipping and irregularity at the edges and corners.  

83 Items.  Showing Items 81 thru 83.
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