Civil War


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NewALVORD, BENJAMIN (1813-84) Union Brigadier General; Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – 1833; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars

# 10998

Signature, “Benj[amin] Alvord,” a frank on a 1 ½” x 5 ¾” portion of an imprinted “Paymaster General’s Office” envelope; marked “Personal” by Alvord, with a Washington, D.C. postmark at mid left.

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining.

Price: $50.00

NewASHBY, TURNER (1828-62) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action near Harrisonburg, Virginia – June 6, 1862

# 11091

Civil War-Date Autograph Letter Signed

Early in the American Civil War, Ashby’s 7th Virginia Cavalry functioned primarily on scout and outpost duty along the Potomac.  In the spring of 1862, Colonel Ashby served with distinction in the Shenandoah Valley campaign as head of Stonewall Jackson’s cavalry.  Only two weeks after his promotion to brigadier general, Ashby was killed-in-action.

Autograph Letter Signed, 5 ¾” x 7”, an important, confidential early-war strategic communication, directing the destruction of a dam on the Potomac, between Martinsburg, Virginia and Williamsport, Maryland.

“Camp Jefferson, Sept[ember] 24, [18]61.  Col[onel] Riley.  Dear Sir,  I shall need your cooperation in a few days to destroy the Dam No. 4 – by throwing such force as you can safely send out from Martinsburg towards the Dam to be between that point and the crossing opposite Williamsport, but near enough to be supported by the whole body with me if you should be threatened.  When I am prepared for the work I will inform you – Do not let this be known as secrecy is important.  Respectfully, Turner Ashby, L[ieutenan]t Col[onel] Com[mandin]g.”

Extremely rare, as no other such examples have been offered for sale in the recent past.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few stains, and there are inconsequential pinholes and minor breaks at the intersections of several folds.


NewAUGUR, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1821-98) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10999

Signed Card, 1 ½” x 3”, “C.C. Augur, Maj[or] Gen[era]l U[nited] S[tates] V[olunteers].”

Evenly toned, with minor chipping at the lower edge.


NewBAKER, EDWARD DICKINSON (1811-61) Union Major General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff - October 21, 1861; Union Colonel – 71st Pennsylvania Infantry

# 10914

Early War-Date Franked Patriotic Envelope

Franked Patriotic Envelope 3” x 5 ½”, “Free, E.D. Baker, U.S. Senate,” with a May 27, 1861, New York postmark.  Addressed in another hand to “P. Willard George, Esq[uire], No. 257 North 16th St[reet], Philadelphia, P[ennsylvani]a.”

Expected toning, soiling, and wear, with several chips and small tears at the edges.

Veteran of the Mexican War; U.S. Congressman – Illinois – 1845-47 & 1849-51; U.S. Senator – Oregon – 1860-61; Close friend of Abraham Lincoln


NewBANKS, NATHANIEL PRENTISS (1816-94) Union Major General – Massachusetts; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1855-57; Governor of Massachusetts – 1858-61

# 11094

Civil War-Date Autograph Letter Signed

Autograph Letter Signed, 7” x 9”, on “Head-Quarters King’s Division” imprinted stationery, directing the encampment of his corps, shortly after the conclusion of the Shenandoah Valley campaign.

“Warrenton [Virginia], 25 – 6 [June, 1862].  P.M.  Major Perkins, A[ide] D[e] C[amp], Etc.  Select a good position and camp our Corps where they are.  I return in an ambulance.  Truly Yours, N.P. Banks, M[ajor] G[eneral] C[ommanding].”

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few light stains; minor bleeding of ink on several letters; two horizontal folds.

Price: $450.00

NewBATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Colonel of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# 11081

Signed Card, 2 ¼” x 4”, as Tennessee Governor, “Executive Office, Nashville, Tenn[essee], Wm. B. Bate.”



NewBATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Colonel of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# 10990

Signature, probably war date, with the rank Bates held from enlistment until October 3, 1862, “Wm. B. Bate, Col[onel] 2nd Tenn[essee] Inf[antry],” on a 1 ¼” x 3 ½” slip of paper.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old mounting remnants on the reverse.


NewBEATTY, JOHN (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 3rd Ohio Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1868-73

# 10977

Signed Card, 1 ¾” x 3 ¾”, bevel-edged, “John Beatty.”



NewBEAUREGARD, PIERRE GUSTAVE TOUTANT (1818-93) Confederate General; Commanded the Confederates who began the American Civil War with an artillery assault on Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 11084

Signed Card, 2 ½” x 3 ½”, “G.T. Beauregard, 1891.”  



NewBLAIR, FRANCIS PRESTON, JR. (1821-75) Union Major General; U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1857-62; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1871-73; Democratic Candidate for Vice President - 1868

# 10980

Franking Signature, “Frank P. Blair, Jr.” on a ½” x 3 ¾” portion of an envelope, a Washington, D.C. postmark intersecting the signature.  Affixed to slightly larger backing, with minor glue staining at the edges.

Price: $75.00

NewBLANDING, JAMES DOUGLAS (1821-1906) Confederate Colonel – 9th South Carolina Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Mayor of Sumter, South Carolina

# 10656

Civil War-Date Signed Envelope

Signed Envelope, 3” x 5 ¼”, “J.D. Blanding, Col[onel] 9th Reg[imen]t S[outh] C[arolina] V[olunteers],” also addressed by Blanding, to “Wm. F.B. Haynesworth, Esq[ui]r[e]…Sumter, South Carolina.”  An indistinct postmark, undoubtedly Tudor Hall, Virginia, and Due “10” markings at upper right; with vertical pencil notations, in an unknown hand, “from Col[onel] 9th Rec[eive]d Oct[ober] 29, 1861” along the left edge.

Somewhat lacking in contrast, with moderate toning throughout and the expected wear, soiling, and edge chips.

Price: $125.00

NewBROWN, EGBERT BENSON (1816-1902) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Lieutenant Colonel of the 7th Missouri Infantry; Saw Civil War action in Missouri, the Indian Territory, and the Trans-Mississippi; Elected Mayor of Toledo, Ohio - 1849

# 11068

Signature & Rank, probably war date, “E.B. Brown, Brig[adier] Gen[eral] Vol[unteer]s,” on a 1” x 3 ¾” slip of lined paper; affixed to slightly larger backing.

Lightly and evenly toned.


Price: $95.00

NewBROWN, JOSEPH EMERSON (1821-94) Governor of Georgia – 1857-65; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1880-91

# 12005

A staunch proponent of states’ rights, Governor Brown clashed repeatedly with Confederate President Jefferson Davis and became a major impediment to the prosecution of the American Civil War.

Document Signed, Atlanta, Georgia, February 3, 1879, “Joseph E. Brown,” a partly printed 2 ¾” x 7 ½” check with an imprinted revenue stamp, drawn on The Citizens Bank of Georgia for $220.84.

Excellent.  The signature and text are unaffected by a punch cancellation, with no loss of paper, at mid left.

Price: $85.00

NewBUCKNER, SIMON BOLIVAR (1823-1914) Confederate Lieutenant General; Surrendered Fort Donelson, Tennessee to Union General Ulysses S. Grant – February, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Kentucky – 1887-91

# 10988

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 7” x 9”, “S.B. Buckner, Maj[or] Gen[era]l Commanding,a manuscript listing of rations, “Abstract of Provisions issued from the 1st to the 31st day of December 1863 to the troops of the Confederate States stationed in the field by Capt[ain] I. Shelby, Jr…”

Lightly and evenly toned, with two horizontal folds.

Price: $525.00

NewBURNHAM, HIRAM (1811-72) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm – September 29, 1864

# 10948

Civil War-Date Document Signed by a Killed-in-Action Union General

Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 12”, “Approved, Hiram Burnham, Col[onel] 6th Maine Vol[unteer]s,” a manuscript “Abstract of articles expended in the public service at Camp near Bell[e] Plains, V[irgini]a…in the month ending on the 31st December 1862.”  Countersigned three times, front and reverse, by Lieutenant Addison P. Buck.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few superficial stains and three horizontal folds.

Price: $295.00

NewBURNHAM, HIRAM (1811-72) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm – September 29, 1864

# 10997

Civil War-Date Document Signed Twice by a Killed-in-Action Colonel, later promoted to the rank of Brigadier General

Document Signed, 8” x 10”, Camp Griffin, Virginia, February 28, 1862, “Hiram Burnham, Col[onel],” a partly printed requisition for personal wood fuel the month.  Signed twice, at the mid and lower right.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few superficial stains and two horizontal folds.

Price: $350.00

NewBURNSIDE, AMBROSE EVERETT (1824-81) Union Major General; Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Fredericksburg; Governor of Rhode Island – 1866-69; U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1875-81

# 11095

Early Civil War-Date Pass

Autograph Document Signed, 3” x 5”, a rare handwritten pass from Burnside’s early-war encampment near Washington, D.C., named for Rhode Island Governor William Sprague.

“Camp Sprague.  Washington, June 6th 1861.  Pass Serg[ean]t Crandall till eleven o’clock.  A.E. Burnside, Col[onel] Com[man]d[in]g.”

Pencil notations in an unknown hand on the reverse list several identified enlisted men of the 1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry.  The 1st Rhode Island Infantry under the command of Colonel Burnside was actively engaged at the Battle of First Bull Run, July 21, 1861 and returned to Providence, Rhode Island, where the unit was mustered out on August 2, 1861.  Colonel Burnside re-entered Union service soon afterward and was promoted to the rank of brigadier general, effective August 6, 1861.

Lightly toned, with somewhat heavier soiling and wear at vertical and horizontal fold lines; a few small tears and minor chips at the edges.

Price: $550.00

NewBURNSIDE, AMBROSE EVERETT (1824-81) Union Major General; Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Fredericksburg; Governor of Rhode Island – 1866-69; U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1875-81

# 09558

Document Signed, 9 ½” x 11”, Boston, Massachusetts, April 17, 1869, “A.E. Burnside,” as company president, a partly printed $500 “First Mortgage Bonds” certificate for the Narrangansett Steamship Company.  Countersigned by four company officials.  A five-cent revenue stamp is affixed at upper right, with an embossed seal at lower right.

Lightly toned, with the usual folds; a few tears and cuts at the lower edge; show-through along the lower edge from glue staining on the reverse.

Price: $195.00

NewBUTLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1818-93) Union Major General; U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1867-75 & 1877-79; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Greenback Party - 1884

# 10949

A Handwritten Civil War Pass for Butler’s Brother-in-Law

Civil War-Date Autograph Document Signed, on official 5” x 8” stationery, imprinted “HEAD QUARTERS, Department of Virginia and North Carolina.”

“In the field, June 10, 1864.  Pass Fisher A[mes] Hildreth, Esq[uire] and his wife to visit my Head Q[uarte]rs at Fortress Monroe.  Benj[amin] F. Butler, Maj[or] Gen[era]l Com[mandin]g.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining at the left edge and the expected folds.


NewCAMERON, SIMON (1799-1889) U.S. Secretary of War – 1861-62, during the American Civil War; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1845-49, 1857-61, and 1867-77

# 12055

Franking Signature, “Free, S. Cameron,” on a 3 ¼” x 5 ¾” portion of a postal cover; also addressed by Cameron, to “Dr. H. Byerly, Linglestown, Dauphin Co[unty], Penn[sylvania].”

On brown paper, with an obscure early postmark at left; old mounting remnants on the reverse.

Price: $95.00

NewCANBY, EDWARD R.S. (1817-73) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars; Killed by Modoc Indians in California - 1873

# 07817

Document Signed, an endorsement on the reverse of an imprinted 9 ¾” x 16 ¼” U.S. Army form, “Examined & approved, Ed. R.S. Canby, M[ajor] G[eneral] Com[mandin]g,” approving expenditures for the month of November 1867.

Illustrated in its folded state.  Very good overall condition, with the expected folds.

Price: $195.00

NewCHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA LAWRENCE (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 20th Maine Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Gettysburg; Governor of Maine – 1867-71; President of Bowdoin College – 1871-83

# 12003

Document Signed, New York, July 5, 1898, “Joshua L. Chamberlain,” a partly printed 2 ¾” x 6 ½” check, also accomplished by Chamberlain, payable to one H.C. Orr in the amount of ten dollars.  A two-cent revenue stamp is affixed at upper left.

Lightly toned, with a few stains, soiling, wear, numerous folds, and a few tiny edge chips; three hole-punch cancellations, well away from the signature.


CUDWORTH, WARREN HANDEL (1825-83) Union Chaplain - 1st Massachusetts Infantry; Unitarian Pastor; Authored “History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry),” published in 1866

# 10653

Signed Envelope, 3” x 5 ¼”, “Soldier’s Letter, W.H. Cudworth, Chaplain, Mass[achusetts] 1st,” transmittal for a Civil War letter (no longer present) from an unidentified soldier; addressed in another hand, to “Mr. Joseph L. Rand, North Waterford, Maine,” and bearing a “Due 3” postal stampPencil arithmetic notations are on the reverse.

Moderate toning throughout, with the expected wear, soiling, and edge chips and tears.

Price: $95.00

NewCURTIS, SAMUEL RYAN (1805-66) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1857-61; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 11005

Signature, as U.S. Representative, “Saml. R. Curtis, Keokuk, Iowa,” on a 1 ½” x 4” portion of an album page.

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining.


NewDAVIS, JEFFERSON F. (1808-89) Confederate President - 1861-65; U.S. Secretary of War – 1853-57; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1847-51 & 1857-61; U.S. Congressman - Mississippi – 1845-46; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 09149

Signature, dated from the former Confederate president’s post-war home on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, “Jefferson Davis, Beauvoir, Miss[issipp]i, 4th March 1882,” on a 1 ¾” x 4 ¾” slip of paper.  Affixed to heavier backing.

Lightly toned; the signature is noticeably light and lacking in contrast.


NewFOOTE, ANDREW HULL (1806-1863) Union Navy Officer, promoted to Rear Admiral on July 16, 1862

# 10651

Just days after the capture of Fort Donelson, Foote makes an appointment in the Western Gun Boat Flotilla, while General Ulysses S. Grant emerges as a champion of the Union.

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 8” x 12 ½”, a manuscript order appointing one G.B. Simmonds to the rank of second master.  Fort Donelson, at the time a Confederate installation on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, was surrendered on February 16, 1862, just three days prior to this order.  Union forces, including Flag Officer Foote, were under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant, whose action during the siege, battle, and capitulation – specifically his demand for “unconditional and immediate surrender” of the Confederate command at the fort - propelled him into national prominence.

“Be it known that reposing trust in the honor and ability of G.B. Simmonds, I do hereby appoint him a Second Master in the United States Gun Boat Flotilla on the Western Water to hold authority as a Second Master and to be obeyed by all persons under him in the service.  The appointment to hold good during the pleasure of the Commander in Chief of the Gun Boat Flotilla for the time being.  Given under my hand this 19th day of February A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty two.  A.H. Foote, Com[man]d[in]g U.S. Naval Forces in the Western Waters.”

Overall condition is very good, with light, even toning, a few minor stains, and the expected folds.


FRANKLIN, WILLIAM BUEL (1823-1903) U.S. Army Officer; Union Major General during the American Civil War

# 10884
Document Signed, 3 ½” x 8”, Des Moines, Iowa, April 1, 1891, “W.B. Franklin,” a partly printed receipt as treasurer of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.
Lightly and evenly toned.

NewGORDON, JOHN BROWN (1832-1904) Confederate Major General; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1873-80 & 1891-97; Governor of Georgia – 1886-90

# 12004

Signed Card, 1 ½” x 3”, as U.S. Senator from Georgia, “J.B. Gordon, G[eorgi]a.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few ink stains; old mounting traces on the reverse.


NewGOVAN, DANIEL CHEVILETTE (1829-1911) Confederate Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 2nd Arkansas Infantry; Led a brigade in the Army of Tennessee at the Battles of Franklin & Nashville; U.S. Indian Agent in Tulalip, Washington - 1894-97

# 12009

Document Signed, Everett, Washington, January 13, 1898, “D.C. Govan, U.S. Indian Agent,” a partly printed 2 ¾” x 6 ½” check, also accomplished by Govan, drawn on The Everett National Bank for fifteen dollars.  Signed a second time on the reverse, “Witness, D.C. Govan.”

Lightly and evenly toned; punch cancellation at the center, with minimal loss of paper, affects neither signature.


NewHILL, AMBROSE POWELL (1825-65) Confederate Lieutenant General; Early-war Colonel of the 13th Virginia Infantry; Killed-in-Action during the Battle of Petersburg, Virginia – April 2, 1865; Veteran of the Mexican and Seminole Wars

# 11099

Civil War-Date Endorsement Signed – Just six weeks before Hill’s death at the Battle of Petersburg

War-Date Endorsement Signed, on a 3 ¾” x 7” portion from the reverse of a medical furlough document.  Signed beneath by an adjutant, and on the reverse by two surgeons and 47th North Carolina Infantry Sergeant Joseph Young Moss.

H[ea]d Q[uarte]rs 3rd Army Corps, Feb[ruar]y 17, 1865.  Res[pectfully] forwarded approved, A.P. Hill, Lieutenant Gen[era]l.”

A.P Hill was killed-in-action at the Battle of Petersburg, Virginia just six weeks after the signing of this endorsement.  Modern records indicate that Sergeant Moss was wounded and captured during the Battle of Gettysburg, later exchanged, and was again captured on the day of Hill’s death at Sutherland’s Station, Virginia.

On the medium-brown paper often used by the Confederates, thus a bit lacking in contrast, with the expected light fold creases.

Price: $2850.00

NewHOOD, JOHN BELL (1831-79) Confederate General; Early-war Colonel of the 4th Texas Infantry

# 11085

Signature, with sentiment, “Yours Truly, J.B. Hood,” on a 2 ¼” x 4 ½” slip of paper.

A large, exceptional example.


NewHOOKER, JOSEPH (1814-79) Union Major General; Led the Union Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# 12057

Civil War-Date Signature & Rank

Signature, with sentiment and early-war rank, “Yours Sincerely, Joseph Hooker, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l,” on a 2” x 3 ¼” slip of lined paper, affixed to heavier backing of the same dimension.

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor wear and staining; portions affected by brushing and bleeding of ink, along with surface abrasion.

Price: $265.00

NewHUNTON, EPPA (1822-1908) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1892-95; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1873-81

# 11069

Signature, as U.S. Congressman, “Eppa Hunton, Warrenton, V[irgini]a,” on a 2” x 5” portion of an album page.


Price: $195.00

NewJAMES, WILLIAM LEVIS (1833-1903) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Civil War Colonel in the Quartermaster’s Department

# 10888

War-Date Letter Signed – City Point, Virginia, September 1864 – Bills of Lading for the “Steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt.”

Civil War-Date Letter Signed, on an imprinted 7 ½” x 9 ½” form.  Partly printed, with the manuscript portions also being accomplished by James.

“Assistant Quartermaster’s Office, Fort Monroe, V[irgini]a, Sept[ember] 26th 1864.  Captain Col[onel] P.P. Pilkin, A[ssistant] Q[uarter] M[aster] City Point, Va.  Col[onel], I have the honor to enclose herewith, duplicate Bills of Lading for Public Stores, shipped this day per Steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt.  Please endorse and return one at your earliest convenience.  Very respectfully Your Ob[e]d[ien]t Servant, Wm. L. James, Capt[ain] and A[ssistant] Q[uarter] M[aster].”

Lightly and evenly toned, with two horizontal folds; there is a small tear, with minor paper loss, in the upper left corner.

Price: $85.00

NewJOHNSTON, JOSEPH EGGLESTON (1807-91) Confederate General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1879-81

# 11087

Signed Gilt-Edged Card, 1 ¼” x 3 ½”, “J.E. Johnston.”  Affixed to a 4” x 6 ¾” album page, with the violet-ink notation, “January/[18]82” in another hand at lower left.  An unrelated clipping in an unidentified hand and from a larger document or letter is affixed at lower right.


Price: $395.00

NewKEARNY, PHILIP, JR. (1815-62) Union Major General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chantilly, Virginia – September 1, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 12054

Mexican War-Date Signature & Rank

Signature & Rank, “P. Kearny, Jr., L[ieutenan]t 1st Dr[agoon]s Com[man]d[ing]…” on a 1 ½” x 5” slip of paper; a portion of the document from which Kearny’s signature was removed is included, and bears the manuscript heading, in an unknown hand, “Date. 31st December 1846.  Station. Saltillo, (Mexico).”

Minor wear and staining, with two pinholes at the left edge of the dated slip of paper.

Price: $475.00

NewKEMPER, JAMES LAWSON (1823-95) Confederate Major General; Severely wounded in Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg – July 3, 1863; Governor of Virginia – 1874-78; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 12007

Document Signed, Richmond, Virginia, February 6, 1886, “J.L. Kemper,” a partly printed 2 ½” x 8” check, also accomplished by Kemper, payable to “Cha[rle]s J. Kemper,” thus incorporating a second partial signature; drawn on The State Bank of Virginia for one hundred dollars.  The reverse is endorsed by Charles J. Kemper.

Very good overall, with light vertical fold creases; minimal loss of paper from barely noticeable cross-cut and punch cancellations which intersect Kemper’s signature.

Price: $295.00

NewLAMAR, LUCIUS QUINTUS CINCINNATUS (1825-93) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1888-93; U.S. Interior Secretary – 1885-88; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel & Diplomat; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1877-85

# 12038

Signature, “L.Q.C. Lamar,” with the notation “Sec[retary] of Interior” in an unknown hand, on the reverse of his engraved 1 ¾” x 3 ½” personal calling card.

Excellent, with light, even toning and a few superficial stains.

Price: $125.00

NewLOGAN, THOMAS MULDRUP (1840-1914) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina; The youngest general officer in the Confederate Army

# 10954

A Requisition for Hampton’s Legion

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 8” x 11”, Petersburg, Virginia, August 31, 1863, “Approved, T.M. Logan, L[ieutenan]t Col[on el] Com[man]d[in]g Reg[imen]t,” a partly printed requisition “For Quartermaster’s Stores for Hampton Legion, Stationed at Petersburg, V[irgini]a.”

On the brown “necessity paper” commonly used by the Confederate Army at the time, with several minor stains throughout; small tears and chips at the right edges.  While manuscript portions are somewhat light, Logan’s endorsement, at left center, is quite legible.

Price: $495.00

NewLONGSTREET, JAMES (1821-1904) Confederate Lieutenant General – South Carolina

# 11086

Signature, with sentiment, “Respect[full]y Your Ob[edien]t Serv[an]t,” on a 1 ½” x 5 ½” slip of lined paper, possibly removed from a letter.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a vertical fold at mid left.

Price: $595.00

NewLONGSTREET, JAMES (1821-1904) Confederate Lieutenant General – South Carolina

# 11092

War-Date Autograph Letter Signed – to Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard

Autograph Letter Signed, on a 5” x 8” folded lettersheet, with exceptional early-war content, to General P.G.T. Beauregard, commander of the Confederate Army at Manassas, Virginia.  As newly commissioned major general, Longstreet informs and seeks Beauregard’s direction in the placement of “blackened logs,” commonly referred to as “Quaker Guns” at the time, designed to deceive the Union Army into believing that they faced the heavy artillery of a well-equipped foe on the banks of the Potomac.                                                                                                             

“Taylors, Dec[ember] 6th 1861.  My Dear General, But two of the Redoubts have been set apart for the batteries of my Division.  I have ordered sheds over the embrasures of these and blackened logs put in there; no others.  If you desire me to have others fixed please advise me.  Very Sincerely Yours, J. Longstreet.  [to] Gen[eral] G.T. Beauregard.”

Beauregard makes initialed notation, in pencil, at the bottom edge:

“Ans[wer].  Arrange all to be garrisoned by the 2nd Division.  G.T.B.”


Excellent overall, with light, even toning, the expected folds, and a few minor stains.
Price: $7500.00

NewLYON, NATHANIEL (1818-61) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri - August 10, 1861; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# 12060

Signature, with the rank held from June 11, 1851 through the outbreak of the American Civil War, “N. Lyon, Capt[ain], 2nd Inf[antr]y, Com[mandin]g Comp[an]y ‘B’”, on a 3” x 4 ¼” slip of lined paper.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few superficial stains; old mounting traces on the reverse.


NewMANSFIELD, JOSEPH KING FENNO (1803-62) Union Major General – Connecticut; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Antietam – September 18, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 08320

Autograph Letter Signed, 8” x 10”, requesting a cask of wine be sent to Fort Independence, Massachusetts. 

“Boston, 5th July, 1849.  Major Wm. D. Fraser, U.S. Corps Engineers, N[ew] Y[ork].  D[ea]r Sir, I will thank you to forward to this place by first packet convenient one cask Gaudron for the service of Fort Independence.  Gaugeret & his Assistant joined me from St.[?] Newton on the morning of the 3rd July.  Very Respectfully, Your Ob[edien]t Jos. K.F. Mansfield, Capt[ain]…& B[re]v[e]t Col[onel].’’

Overall condition is very good, with heavier wear and toning at the usual vertical and horizontal folds.


NewMARTIN, WILLIAM THOMPSON (1823-1910) Confederate Major General; Post-war President of the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad

# 12000

Signed Card, 1 ¾” x 3 ½”, with Confederate rank, “Will T. Martin, Maj[or] Gen[era]l Cav[alry], Wheeler’s Corps, C.S.A.”

Lightly toned, with minor staining and a few surface abrasions and indentations; old mounting remnants on the reverse and minor bumping at the corners.

Price: $295.00

NewMAURY, DABNEY HERNDON (1822-1900) Confederate Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 12010

Civil War-Date Endorsement Signed

Endorsement Signed, on a 3” x 3” slip of lined paper, removed from a larger Confederate document.

“H[ea]d Qu[arte]rs Maury’s Div[ision] A[rmy of the] West, Camp Rogers, Octo[ber] 28th 1862.  Respectfully forwarded, D.H. Maury, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Comm[an]d[in]g.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining.

Price: $295.00

NewMcCLELLAN, GEORGE BRINTON (1826-85) Union Major General during the American Civil War; Led the Union Army of the Potomac during the battles of the Peninsula Campaign & Antietam; U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1864; Governor of New Jersey – 1878-81

# 12050

Civil War-Date Signature

Signature, with sentiment and Civil War date, “very truly yours, Geo[rge] B. McClellan, Jan[uary] 16, 1865,” on a 2” x 4 ½” slip of embossed paper.  Affixed to heavier backing of the same dimension.

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered glue staining.


McCLELLAN, MARY ELLEN MARCY (1836-1915) Wife of Union General & New Jersey Governor George Brinton McClellan; Daughter of U.S. Army Officer Randolph B. Marcy

# mcclellanmem

NewMcCLELLAN, MARY ELLEN MARCY (1836-1915) Wife of Union General & New Jersey Governor George Brinton McClellan; Daughter of U.S. Army Officer Randolph B. Marcy

# 10972

Autograph Letter Signed, 4 ½” x 7”, two pages on the first and third leaves of a folded lettersheet.  On black-bordered mourning stationery, Mrs. McClellan responds to a request for her husband’s autograph, probably just months after his death on October 29, 1885.

“32 Washington Square, Jan[uar]y 20thWm. H Jones, Esq[uire].  Dear Sir, Mr. Curtis writes me that you would like an autograph of General McClellan to put in Mr. Curtis’ little book.  I have no note or letter that I can [s]end, but I enclose his signature which I have cut from a check.  Yours truly, Ellen M. McClellan.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with a horizontal fold at the center; there are a few minor chips to the black border, and a diagonal horizontal fold transverses the lower portion of both pages.

Price: $475.00

NewMcKINSTRY, JUSTUS (1814-97) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Provost Marshal in St. Louis, Missouri; Dismissed from the service after conviction for graft, corruption, and fraud; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# 11076

Document Signed, 4 ¾” x 7 ½”, St. Louis Missouri, September 4, 1861, “J. McKinstry,” accomplished in another hand, a partly printed pass for a “Mrs. Sarah McIntyre to pass beyond the limits of the City and County of St. Louis, to go to Ohio.”

A rare autograph on an interesting, seldom-seen form, this being the first McKinstry piece we have encountered.  Moderate toning throughout, with several stains; heavier wear and soiling along two vertical folds, with negligible separation at the edges.

Price: $1200.00

NewMcLAWS, LAFAYETTE (1821-97) Confederate Major General – Georgia; Veteran of the Mexican & Utah Wars

# 12007

Signature, with closing and rank, “Respectfully, L. McLaws, 2nd Lieut[enant] 7th Inf[antry]” on a 1” x 3 ¼” slip of paper removed from a Mexican War-era letter; affixed to a larger, heavier card.  McLaws held the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Seventh U.S. Infantry from March 16, 1844 until February 16, 1847.

Moderately toned, with minor staining and soiling; closely clipped at the upper edge.


NewMOORE, ANDREW BARRY (1807-73) Governor of Alabama – 1857-61; Alabama State Representative – 1842-45; Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives – 1843-45

# 09551

War-Date Confederate Bond

Document Signed, 14” x 17”, April 1, 1861, “A.B. Moore,” a partly printed $1000 bond “ISSUED FOR MILITARY DEFENSE” of the state of Alabama, serial number 314Countersigned by State Comptroller W.J. Greene, with a pink embossed seal at the lower left.  Thirteen of the original coupons remain attached at the bottom.  Supporting material states that this issue is given the highest rarity rating of “R11” by Confederate Bond Authority Grover C. Criswell.

Lightly toned, with tiny holes at the intersections of the expected folds and a few small tears at the edges.

Price: $195.00

NewMORGAN, JAMES DADA (1810-96) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 10th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Illinois Mormon War & the Mexican War

# 11073

Civil War-Date Document - Pay for a 101st Indiana Infantry soldier who died one week later.

Document Signed, 8 ¼” x 10”, Nashville, Tennessee, May 30, 1863, “James D. Morgan, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Commanding Post,” a partly printed “Certificate to be Given to Discharged Volunteers to Enable them to draw their Pay” for Merrill Ransey (possibly Ramsey), a private in the 101st Indiana Volunteer Infantry.  Further described, “Disease contracted prior to enlistment,” Private Ransey died in Nashville on June 8, 1863, just one week later.  

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered staining; somewhat heavier wear at two horizontal folds.

Price: $145.00

NewMORGAN, JAMES DADA (1810-96) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 10th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Illinois Mormon War & the Mexican War

# 11033

Civil War-Date Document Signed

Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 9 ½”, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 24, 1863, “James D. Morgan, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Com[man]d[ing],a partly printed requisition for corn, in the amount of $35.00.

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered staining, two horizontal folds, and a few small tears at the edges.

Price: $125.00

NewPRICE, STERLING (1809-67) Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1845-46; Veteran of the Mexican & Missouri Mormon Wars

# 09164

PRICE, STERLING (1809-67)  Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1845-46; Veteran of the Mexican & Missouri Mormon Wars

MILLER, MADISON (1811-96) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 18th Missouri Union Infantry; Late-war Brigadier General in the Missouri State Militia; President of the St. Louis & Iron Mountian Railroad Company

Document Signed, 9 ¼” x 11 ¼”, Jefferson City, Missouri, October 27, 1856, “Sterling Price,” as Missouri Governor, a partly printed $1000 bond of the Saint Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad.  Countersigned below by Missouri Secretary of State Benjamin Franklin Massey, along with Railroad President Madison Miller, future Brevet Brigadier General in the Union Army, on the reverse.

Significant trimming of the ornate original borders also affects the printed text on the reverse; some separation at the expected fold creases, with negligible loss of paper; all signatures are unaffected by cancellation holes and chipping at the edges.


NewROBERTS, BENJAMIN STONE (1810-75) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10892

Signature & Rank, “B.S. Roberts, B[reve]t Brig[adie]r Gen[era]l U.S.A.,” on a 1 ½” x 4 ¾” slip of paper.


Price: $70.00

NewSCATES, WALTER BENNETT (1808-86) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Attorney General of the State of Illinois – 1836-37; Served as Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court – 1855; Collector of Customs for the Port of Chicago – 1866-69

# 10779

Civil War “Special Order,” directing a 13th U.S. Army Officer, mortally wounded at Vicksburg six months later, to report to Camp Butler

Document Signed, 8” x 10”, a manuscript special order, signed twice by Scates at the conclusion, directing 13th U.S. Infantry Captain Edward Crawford Washington, mortally wounded in the May 19, 1863 assault on Vicksburg, Mississippi, to report immediately to Camp Butler, near Springfield, Illinois, to enlist and pay bounty to the newly formed 128th Illinois Infantry.

“Head Quarters Springfield, Ill[inois], December 1, 1862.  Special orders No. 63.  Capt[ain] C. Washington, 13th Infantry, U.S.A. Disbursing Officer & c. Will proceed immediately to Camp Butler and pay bounty & premium to all the enlisted men of 128th Regiment Ill[inoi]s Infantry who have been mustered into the Service of the United States & report to these Head Quarters without delay.  By order of Major General John A. McClernand.  Walter B. Scates, Major & A[ssistant] A[djutant] Gen[era]l.  L[ieutenan]t G.W. Hill Will furnish Capt. Washington transportation.  W.B. Scates, Major & A.A. Genl.”

Exhibits the expected soiling, toning, and wear; water staining and clean separation, with no loss of paper, at the upper of two horizontal folds.


NewSCHENCK, ROBERT CUMMING (1809-90) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1843-51 & 1863-71

# 10979

Franking Signature, as a post-war U.S. Representative from Ohio, “Robt. C. Schenck, M[ember] C[ongress],” on a 1 ½” x 5 ¼” portion of an envelope, with portions of the recipient’s address in Schenck’s hand beneath and a Washington, D.C. postmark at left.

Irregularly torn at the lower and left edges.

Price: $45.00

NewSCHENCK, ROBERT CUMMING (1809-90) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1843-51 & 1863-71

# 11037

Signature, as U.S. Representative, “Robt. C. Schenck, Ohio,” on a 5 ¾” x 8 ¾” portion of an album page.


Price: $55.00

NewSEDDON, JAMES ALEXANDER (1815-80) Confederate Secretary of War – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1845-47 & 1849-51

# 10947

Appointing an Officer in the 61st Virginia Infantry

Civil War-Date Document Signed, on imprinted 8” x 10” Confederate War Department stationery, Richmond, Virginia, May 12, 1864, “James A. Seddon,” a partly printed appointment for William Henry Stewart to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the 61st Virginia Infantry.  The unit was heavily engaged at the Civil War battles of Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor, Stewart being wounded at all three.

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered stains and several chips at the corners and edges; there is a water stain at the lower left, well away from Seddon’s signature, and clean separation at two horizontal folds has been reinforced with archival tape on the reverse.


NewSHERIDAN, PHILIP HENRY (1831-88) Union Major General; Veteran of the Indian Wars; U.S. Army General – 1888; Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army – 1883-88

# 11038

Signed Card, 2” x 3 ¼”, with rank, “P.H. Sheridan, L[ieutenan]t General, U.S.A.”

Excellent, with light, even toning and several small areas of very minor bleeding of ink.


NewSMITH, MORGAN LEWIS (1822-74) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 8th Missouri Infantry

# 11077

Signature & Rank, “M.L. Smith, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Vol[unteers],” on a ¾” x 2 ¼” slip of paper, probably removed from a war-date document.  Affixed to slightly larger backing.

General soiling, staining, and wear.


NewSTEPHENS, ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1812-83) Confederate Vice President; U.S. Congressman – Georgia – 1843-59 & 1873-82; Governor of Georgia – 1882-83

# 10652

Franked Envelope, 3” x 5 ¼”, “Free, Alexander H. Stephens, M[ember] C[ongress],” also addressed by Stephens, to “John L. Stephens, La Grange, G[eorgi]a,” a recurring correspondent.  Stephens was frail and frequently ill, even as a young man, this atypical signature being an obvious example from one of his unsteady periods.

General soiling and wear, with numerous small tears and breaks at the edges.


NewSTOKES, WILLIAM BRICKLY (1814-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 5th Tennessee Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1859-61 & 1866-71

# 10890

Signature, as post-war U.S. Representative, “W.B. Stokes, Alexandria Tenn[essee],” on a 3” x 5” portion of an album page.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old binding traces at the left.

Price: $50.00

NewSTUART, JAMES EWELL BROWN “Jeb” (1833-1864) Confederate Major General - Virginia; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Virginia – May 11, 1864

# 09167

Civil War-Date

Signed Postal Cover, 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”, homemade from a printed 1862 Confederate military document, addressed to his wife, “Mrs. Flora Stuart, H[ea]d Q[uarte]rs Cav[alry] Div[isio]n, Army N[orthern] V[irgini]a.”  Also signed at the upper left corner by Confederate Colonel and Aide-de-Camp Samuel Bassett French.

Front and reverse portions are detached, from heavy wear at the edges; several chips and tears at the edges affect none of the text.

Price: $1950.00

NewTHOMAS, GEORGE HENRY (1816-70) Union Major General during the American Civil War, known as the “Rock of Chickamauga”; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10996

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 10”, partly printed, “Geo[rge] H. Thomas, Maj[or] Gen[era]l U[nited] S[tates] V[olunteers], Received in the Field the 10[th] of May, 1862…,a requisition for a tent and tent supplies; countersigned by Captain Oscar Addison Mack of the 13th U.S. Infantry, a New Hampshire native who died on October 22, 1876.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few scattered stains and the expected horizontal creases.


WICKHAM, WILLIAMS CARTER (1820-88) Confederate Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Virginia Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – 1864-65

# 10776

Leave of Absence for a 4th Virginia Cavalry Officer – Killed-in-Action just two weeks later at the Battle of First Bull Run

Civil War-Date Autograph Letter Signed, 7 ¾” x 9 ¾”.  Writing to his wife from his northern Virginia headquarters just two weeks before the Battle of First Manassas, the opening major engagement of the American Civil War in the East, Wickham informs her of the leave of absence for an officer in the 4th Virginia Cavalry.

“Fairfax C[ourt] H[ouse] [Virginia], July 5th 1861.  My beloved Lucy, L[ieutenan]t Bowles has a four days leave of absence and as Robin is very anxious to go home for a day or two I have determined to let him go down on tuesday morning.  Be sure to see that he gets off on Tuesday morning.  It is after ten o’clock and I have just got in from an expedition so you must excuse the shortness of my letter on account of my weariness.  I got your letter this morning and was glad to hear that Mary Fanning was coming on.  I will write again in a day or two.  I never was in better health in my life.  Your own husband, Wm. C. Wickham.”

The named officer, Boldman Bowles, here referred to in an informal first name, is quite possibly a family friend or neighbor in Hancock County, Virginia.  Modern records, courtesy of Historical Data Systems, Inc., as follows: “Boldman Bowles.  Residence was not listed; a 34 year-old farmer.  Enlisted on 5/9/1861 at Ashland, VA as a 2nd Lieutenant.  On 5/9/1861 he was commissioned into ‘H’ Co. VA 4th Cavalry.  He was Killed on 7/21/1861 at Bull Run, VA (Shot in head).”

Overall condition is excellent, with minor separation at the edges of the expected folds; there are two tiny holes in the extreme lower margin, well away from all text.

Price: $1450.00

NewWICKHAM, WILLIAMS CARTER (1820-88) Confederate Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Virginia Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – 1864-65

# 11082

Civil War-Date Signed Envelope - Addressed to his Wife

Signed Envelope, 2 ¼” x 4 ¼”, “Wm. C. Wickham, L[ieutenan]t Col[onel] 4th V[irgini]a Cavalry,” a second partial signature being incorporated into Wickham’s address to his wife, “Mrs. Lucy P. Wickham, Hanover C[ourt] H[ouse], V[irgini]a.”  With postal markings “Tudor Hall, V[irgini]a, Feb[ruary] 22, 1862,” and a “Due 5” hand stamp; there are several pencil dealer notations on both front and reverse.

Lightly and evenly toned, with the expected soiling and wear; slight fading of ink and lack of contrast in the manuscript portions, also quite commonly seen on similar war-date items.

Price: $425.00

NewYOUNG, PIERCE MANNING BUTLER (1836-96) Confederate Major General; Led a cavalry brigade under Wade Hampton and JEB Stuart in the Army of Northern Virginia; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1868-75

# 11078

Franked Envelope, 2” x 4 ¾”, in violet ink as U.S. Representative from Georgia, “P.M.B. Young, M[ember] C[ongress],” with the pencil notation “Decemb[e]r 22nd [18]69” in another hand in the upper left.  Portions of a Cartersville, Georgia postmark of the same date intersect the first two letters of Young’s frank, and the envelope is addressed in an unidentified hand to prominent North Carolina politician Samuel Finley Patterson, 1799-1874.    

Lightly and evenly toned, with somewhat heavier wear and soiling at the edges.

Price: $195.00
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