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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1961 thru 1980.
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LIPSCOMB, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1826-73) Confederate Colonel – 2nd South Carolina Cavalry

# lipscombthomasjefferson

LISTER, FREDERICK WILLIAM (1825-1900) English-born Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 31st Ohio Infantry; Colonel of the 40th U.S. Colored Troops

# listerfrederickwilliam

LISZT, FRANZ (1811-86) Hungarian Composer & Pianist

# lisztfranz

LITTLE, LEWIS HENRY (1817-62) Confederate Brigadier General – Maryland; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Iuka, Mississippi – September 19, 1862

# littlelewishenry

LIVERMORE, GEORGE (1809-65) American Historian & Book Collector

# livermoregeorge

LIVERMORE, MARY (1820-1905) American Journalist, Abolitionist, and Women’s Rights Advocate

# livermoremary

LIVINGSTON, PHILIP (1716-78) Delegate to the Continental Congress – New York - 1774-78; Signer of the Declaration of Independence

# livingstonphilip

LIVINGSTON, ROBERT ROBERT (1746-1813) Founding Father & Member of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence; Chancellor of New York – 1777-1801; U.S. Minister to France – 1801-04, known for negotiating the Louisiana Purchase

# livingstonrobertrobert

LOAN, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1819-81) Union Brigadier General of Missouri Militia; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1863-69

# loanbenjaminfranklin

LOCKHART, JAMES (1806-57) U.S. Representative - Indiana – 1851-53 & 1857

# lockhartjames

LOCKWOOD, HENRY HAYES (1814-99) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Delaware Infantry; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# lockwoodhenryhayes

LOCKWOOD, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1831-77) Confederate Blockade Runner

# lockwoodthomasjefferson

LOGAN, BENJAMIN (1743-1802) American Revolutionary War – Colonel of Virginia Militia; Early settler of Kentucky

# loganbenjamin

LOGAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1815-89) Confederate Congressman – North Carolina – 1864-65

# logangeorgewashington

LOGAN, JOHN ALEXANDER (1826-86) Union Major General; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1871-77 & 1879-86; Veteran of the Mexican War; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1853-55, 1857-62, and 1867-71; Popularly credited with the founding of Memorial Day

# loganjohnalexander

* With Generals Oliver O Howard & William B Hazen

LOGAN, MARY SIMMERSON CUNNINGHAM (1838-1923) American Writer & Editor; Wife of Union General John A. Logan

# loganmarysimmersoncunningham

LOGAN, STEPHEN TRIGG (1800-80) Law partner of Abraham Lincoln – 1841-44; Illinois State Representative – 1843-47 & 1855-56

# loganstephentrigg

LOGAN, THOMAS MULDRUP (1840-1914) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina; The youngest general officer in the Confederate Army

# loganthomasmuldrup

LOGAN, WILLIAM TURNER (1874-1941) U.S. Representative - South Carolina – 1921-25

# loganwilliamturner

LOMAX, LUNSFORD LINDSAY (1835-1913) Confederate Major General – Virginia; President of Virginia Agricultural & Mechanical College – 1886-91

# lomaxlunsfordlindsay
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1961 thru 1980.
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