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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1941 thru 1960.
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LEWIS, ALFRED A. (1849-1929) World War I Anti-War Activist; American Physician & prominent resident of Morristown, New Jersey

# lewisalfreda

LEWIS, DAVID PETER (1820-84) Confederate Congressman – Alabama - 1861; Governor of Alabama – 1872-74

# lewisdavidpeter

LEWIS, FRANCIS (1713-1802) Signer of the Declaration of Independence

# lewisfrancis

LEWIS, HARRY SINCLAIR (1885-1951) American Novelist & Playwright

# lewisharrysinclair

* Image courtesy and by permission of the Eugene V. Debs Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana.

LEWIS, JOHN RANDOLPH (1834-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 5th Vermont Infantry; Wounded & lost left arm at the Battle of the Wilderness

# lewisjohnrandolph

LEWIS, JOSEPH HORACE (1824-1904) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1870-73

# lewisjosephhorace

LEWIS, MERIWETHER (1774-1809) American Explorer & Soldier; Leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery

# lewismeriwether

LEWIS, WILLIAM GASTON (1835-1901) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina

# lewiswilliamgaston

LIDDELL, ST. JOHN RICHARDSON (1815-70) Confederate Brigadier General - Louisiana

# liddellstjohnrichardson

LIGHTBURN, JOSEPH ANDREW JACKSON (1824-1901) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th West Virginia Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# lightburnjosephandrewjackson

LILL, WILLIAM (1808-75) English-Born Brewer & Real Estate Developer in Chicago, Illinois; Co-owner of Lill & Diversey, Lill & Bullin, Moulton House, Proctor & Lill, and Lill & Weckler

# lillwilliam

LILLEY, ROBERT DOAK (1836-86) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# lilleyrobertdoak

LINACRE, THOMAS (1460-1524) English Humanist, Scholar, and Physician

# linacrethomas

LINCOLN, ABRAHAM (1809-65) Sixteenth U.S. President – 1861-65, during the American Civil War; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1847-49

# lincolnabraham

LINCOLN, BENJAMIN (1733-1810) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; First U.S. Secretary of War – 1781-83; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts – 1788-89; Collector of the Port of Boston – 1789-1809

# lincolnbenjamin

LINCOLN, MARY TODD (1818-82) U.S. First Lady – 1861-65; Wife of President Abraham Lincoln

# lincolnmarytodd

LINCOLN, ROBERT TODD (1843-1926) U.S. Secretary of War - 1881-85; Son of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln

# lincolnroberttodd

LIND, JENNY (1820-87) Swedish Opera Singer, known as the “Swedish Nightingale”

# lindjenny

LINDBERGH, CHARLES A. (1902-74) American Aviator – Most remembered for his solo Trans-Atlantic Flight in 1927

# lindberghcharlesa

LIPPINCOTT, CHARLES ELLET (1825-87) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 33rd Illinois Infantry; Saw their heaviest fighting during the Vicksburg Campaign; Born in Edwardsville, Illinois; Died in Quincy, Illinois

# lippincottcharlesellet
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1941 thru 1960.
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