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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1921 thru 1940.
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LEE, ALBERT LINDLEY (1834-1907) Union Brigadier General; Officer in the 7th Kansas Cavalry; Chief of Staff for General John McClernand during the Vicksburg Campaign

# leealbertlindley

LEE, CHARLES (1732-82) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army

# leecharles

LEE, CHARLES (1758-1815) U.S. Attorney General – 1795-1801

# leecharlesattygen

LEE, EDWIN GRAY (1836-70) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# leeedwingray

LEE, FITZHUGH (1835-1905) Confederate Major General; Governor of Virginia – 1886-90; U.S. Major General of Volunteers – Spanish-American War

# leefitzhugh

LEE, GEORGE WASHINGTON CUSTIS (1832-1913) Confederate Major General – Virginia; Son of Confederate General Robert E. Lee

# leegeorgewashingtoncustis

LEE, HENRY “Light-Horse Harry” (1756-1818) American Revolutionary War, Cavalry Officer in the Continental Army; Governor of Virginia – 1791-94; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1799-1801; Father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee

# leehenry

LEE, MARY ANNA RANDOLPH CUSTIS (1807-73) Wife of Confederate General Robert E Lee; Great-Granddaughter of Martha Custis Washington

# leemaryannacustis

LEE, ROBERT EDWARD (1807-70) Confederate General & Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

# leeroberte

LEE, SAMUEL PHILLIPS (1812-97) Union Rear Admiral; Distant cousin of Confederate General Robert E. Lee

# leesamuelphillips

LEE, STEPHEN DILL (1833-1908) Confederate Lieutenant General; First President of Mississippi State University – 1880-99

# leestephendill

LEE, WILLIAM HENRY FITZHUGH "ROONEY" (1837-91) Confederate Major General – Virginia; Son of Robert E. & Mary Custis Lee; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1887-91

# leewilliamhenryfitzhugh

LEFFINGWELL, CHARLES WESLEY (1840-1928) Prominent Clergyman in Knoxville, Illinois; Rector of St. Mary’s School & Founder of the St. Alban’s School for Boys in Knoxville; Graduate of Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois

# leffingwellcharleswesley

LEGGETT, MORTIMER DORMER (1821-96) Union Major General; Colonel of the 78th Ohio Infantry

# leggettmortimerdormer

LENIN, VLADIMIR ILYICH (1870-1924) Russian Revolutionary, Politician, and Marxist Political Theorist; Leader of Government of Soviet Russia & the Soviet Union – 1917-24

# leninvi

LENNOX, CHARLES, 5th DUKE OF RICHMOND (1791-1860) British Soldier during the Napoleonic Wars; Member of Parliament – 1812-19

# lennoxcharles5thdukeofrichmond


# leopoldIofbelgium

LESTER, GEORGE NELSON (1824-92) Confederate Colonel, wounded at the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky – October 8, 1862, right arm amputated; Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1864-65; Attorney General of the State of Georgia – 1890-92

# lestergeorgenelson

LESTER, RICHARD PAUL (1832-1902) Confederate Colonel – 14th Georgia Infantry

# lesterrichardpaul

LETCHER, JOHN (1813-84) Governor of Virginia – 1860-64; U.S. Representative – 1851-59

# letcherjohn
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1921 thru 1940.
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