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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1901 thru 1920.
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LANSING, HENRY SEYMOUR (1824-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 17th New York Infantry

# lansinghenryseymour

LANSING, ROBERT (1864-1928) U.S. Secretary of State – 1915-20

# lansingrobert

LAPHAM, INCREASE ALLEN (1811-75) American Author, Scientist, and Naturalist; Resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

# laphamincreaseallen

LASCELLES, HENRY, 2nd EARL OF HAREWOOD (1767-1841) British Politician, Planter, and Art Collector; Member of Parliament – 1796-1820

# lascelleshenry2ndearlofharewood

LATHAM, ROBERT B. (1818-95) Union Colonel - 106th Illinois Infantry - 1862-64; Railroad Executive and Prominent Citizen of Lincoln, Illinois; Member of GAR Post #182

# lathamrobertb

LAUMAN, JACOB GARTNER (1813-67) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 7th Iowa Infantry

# laumanjacobgartner

LAURENS, HENRY (1724-92) President of the Continental Congress – 1777-78; Continental Congress Delegate – South Carolina

# laurenshenry

LAW, EDWARD, 1st BARON ELLENBOROUGH (1750-1818); Member of Parliament & Attorney General – 1801-02; Lord Chief Justice 1802-18

# lawedward1stbaronellenborough

LAW, EVANDER M. (1836-1920) Confederate Major General - Alabama

# lawevanderm

LAWLER, MICHAEL KELLY (1814-82) Union Brigadier General – Illinois

# lawlermichaelkelly

LAWRENCE, THOMAS (1769-1830) English Portrait Painter; President of the Royal Academy – 1820-30

# lawrencethomas

LAWRENCE, THOMAS EDWARD “LAWRENCE OF ARABIA” (1888-1935) British Army Officer, Diplomat, and Writer

# lawrencethomasedward

LAWTON, ALEXANDER ROBERT (1818-96) Confederate Brigadier General

# lawtonalexanderrobert

LE BLOND, FRANCIS CELESTE (1821-1902) U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1863-67

# leblondfrancisceleste

LE BRETON, THOMAS (1763-1838) Bailly of the Island of Jersey – 1826-31

# lebretonthomas

LEACH, JAMES MADISON (1815-91) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 21st North Carolina Infantry; Confederate Congressman – North Carolina - 1864-65; U.S. Representative – North Carolina - 1859-61 & 1871-75

# leachjamesmadison

LEACH, JAMES THOMAS (1805-83) Confederate Congressman – North Carolina – 1864-65

# leachjamesthomas

LEAKE, JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD (1828-1913) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 20th Iowa Infantry

# leakejosephbloomfield

LEAR, TOBIAS (1762-1816) Personal Secretary to President George Washington - 1784-99

# leartobias

LEDLIE, JAMES HEWETT (1832-82) Union Brigadier General, notorious for dereliction of duty at the Battle of the Crater – July 30, 1864

# ledliejameshewett
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1901 thru 1920.
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