Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
KOZLAY, EUGENE ARTHUR (1826-83) Hungarian-born Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 54th New York Infantry
# kozlayeugenearthur
Signature & Rank
KRUPSKAYA, NADEZHDA KONSTANTINOVNA (1869-1939) Russian Revolutionary; Wife of Vladimir Lenin
# krupskayanadezhdakonstantinovna
Autograph Letter Signed Postcard 1928 09
KRZYZANOWSKI, WLADIMIR BONAWENTURA (1824-87) Polish-born Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 58th New York Infantry
# krzyzanowskiwladimirbonawentura
Signature & Rank from a document
Document Signed partial 1864 12 01
KUHNS, JOSEPH HENRY (1800-83) U.S. Representative – Pennyslvania – 1851-53
# kuhnsjosephhenry
Signature as US Representative from Pennsylvania
KUNKEL, JACOB MICHAEL (1822-70) U.S. Representative – Maryland – 1857-61
# kunkeljacobmichael
Signature as US Representative from Maryland
KURTZ, WILLIAM HENRY (1804-68) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1851-55
# kurtzwilliamhenry
Signature as US Congressman
LAFAYETTE, GILBERT du MOTIER, MARQUIS de (1757-1834) American Revolutionary War, French-Born Major General in the Continental Army
# lafayettemde
Autograph Letter Signed 1778 10 26 thanking the Continental Congress for a Sword and a Leave of Absence
Autograph Letter Signed 1782 04 12
Autograph Letter Signed 1783 08 24
Autograph Letter Signed 1817
Autograph Letter Signed 1828 12 08
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
LAFITTE, JOHN BAPTISTE (1822-87) Confederate Blockade Runner; A founder of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange
# lafittejohnbaptiste
Signature from a document
LAMAR, LUCIUS QUINTUS CINCINNATUS (1825-93) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1888-93; U.S. Interior Secretary – 1885-88; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel & Diplomat; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1877-85
# lamarluciusquintuscincinnatus
Signature as US Senator
Signature as US Senator
Signed Card as US Senator
Signature affixed to an engraving
Signed Card as Interior Secretary 1887
Typed Letter Signed 1886 04 25
Signed Card
Personal Calling Card
Personal Calling Card signed reverse
LAMB, WILLIAM (1835-1909) Confederate Colonel – North Carolina; Commander of Fort Fisher; Mayor of Norfolk, Virginia – 1880-86
# lambwilliam
Printed facsimile signature & portrait
LAMB, WILLIAM, 2nd VISCOUNT MELBORNE (1779-1848) British Prime Minister – 1835-41; Member of Parliament – 1806-12 & 1816-28
# lambwilliam2ndviscountmelborne
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
LAMBTON, JOHN GEORGE, 1st EARL OF DURHAM (1792-1840) British Statesman & Colonial Administrator; Governor General & High Commissioner of British North America – 1838-39; Member of Parliament - 1812-28
# lambtonjohngeorge1stearlofdurham
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
LAMKIN, JOHN TILLMAN (1811-70) Confederate Congressman – 1864-65
# lamkinjohntillman
LANDER, FREDERICK WEST (1821-62) Union Brigadier General
# landerfrederickwest
LANDON, LETITIA ELIZABETH (1802-38) English Poet & Novelist
# landonletitiaelizabeth
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
LANE, FRANKLIN K. (1864-1921) U.S. Secretary of the Interior - 1913-20; Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission - 1913
# lanefranklink
Typed Letter Signed 1913 04 11
LANE, JAMES HENRY (1814-66) U.S. Senator - Kansas - 1861-66; Anti-slavery associate of John Brown; Committed suicide on July 1, 1866
# lanejameshenry
Signature as US Senator from Kansas
Signature as US Senator from Kansas
Signature as US Senator from Kansas
Franked Envelope as US Senator from Kansas
Document Signed circa 1861-63 with others
Document Signed 1862 06 27 with Samuel C Pomeroy
LANE, JAMES HENRY (1833-1907) Confederate Brigadier General
# lanejameshenrycsa
Signature & Rank
Autograph Letter Signed 1893 06 05 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1893 06 05 pg2
LANE, WALTER PAYE (1817-92) Confederate Brigadier General - Texas
# lanewalterpaye
LANG, FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN ANTON “FRITZ” (1890-1976) Austrian-born American Film Director & Screenwriter
# langfritz
Signed Photograph