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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1861 thru 1880.
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KING, GEORGE GORDON (1807-70) U.S. Representative – Rhode Island – 1849-53

# kinggeorgegordon

KING, JOHN HASKELL (1820-88) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars

# kingjohnhaskell

KING, MARTIN LUTHER, JR. (1929-1968) American Baptist Minister; Activist & Leader in the American Civil Rights Movement

# kingmartinlutherjr

KING, PRESTON (1806-65) U.S. Senator – New York – 1857-63; U.S. Representative – New York – 1843-47 & 1849-53; Collector of the Port of New York - 1865

# kingpreston

KING, RUFUS (1755-1827) Served in the Massachusetts Militia during the American Revolutionary War; Continental Congress Delegate; Signer of the U.S. Constitution; U.S. Senator – New York – 1813-25; Federalist Party Presidential Candidate - 1816

# kingrufus

KING, RUFUS (1814-76) Union Brigadier General, led a division which included the Iron Brigade; Grandson of Rufus King, signer of the U.S. Constitution

# kingrufus

KING, RUFUS, JR. (1838-1900) Union Officer; Son of Union General Rufus King; Awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at White Oak Swamp Bridge, Virginia – June 30, 1862

# kingrufusjr

KING, WILBURN HILL (1839-1910) Confederate Colonel/Brigadier General – 18th Texas Infantry

# kingwilburnhill

KING, WILLIAM HENRY (1817-92) Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 1870

# kingwilliamhenry

KING, WILLIAM RUFUS DeVANE (1786-53) U.S. Vice President – March 4-April 18, 1853; U.S. Senator – Alabama – 1819-44 & 1848-52; U.S. Representative – North Carolina - 1811-16

# kingwilliamrufusdevane

KING, WILLIAM STERLING (1818-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant Colonel – 35th Massachusetts Infantry & Chief of Staff to General Samuel Sturgis; Union Colonel – 4th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

# kingwilliamsterling

KIRBY, EDMUND (1840-63) Union Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville – May 3, 1863

# kirbyedmund

KIRKLAND, WILLIAM WHEDBEE (1833-1915) Confederate Brigadier General, formerly served in the United States Marine Corp

# kirklandwilliamwhedbee

KIRKWOOD, SAMUEL JORDAN (1813-94) Governor of Iowa – 1860-64 & 1876-77; U.S. Senator – Iowa – 1866-67 & 1877-81; U.S. Secretary of the Interior – 1881-82

# kirkwoodsamueljordan

KISE, REUBEN C. (1840-72) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 120th Indiana Infantry

# kisereubenc

KNIPE, JOSEPH FARMER (1823-1901) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# knipejosephfarmer

KNOWLTON, DEXTER A. (1812-76) Prominent Businessman & Real Estate Investor in Freeport, Illinois; Director in the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad

# knowltondextera

KNOX, HENRY (1750-1806) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; U.S. Secretary of War – 1789-94

# knoxh

KOEHNLE, FREDERICK CHARLES WILLIAM (1837-1903) German-Born Attorney & City Official in Lincoln, Illinois

# koehnlefrederickcharleswilliam

KOSCIUSZKO, THADDEUS (1746-1817) Polish-Lithuanian Soldier; American Revolutionary War, Brevet Brigadier General in the Continental Army

# kosciuszkothaddeus
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1861 thru 1880.
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