Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
KENNICOTT, JONATHAN A. (1824-1893) Prominent Doctor of Dentistry in Chicago, Illinois; Founder & Namesake of Kennicott Park in Chicago
# kennicottjonathana
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KENT, JAMES (1763-1847) American Jurist and Legal Scholar; Recorder of New York City – 1797-98; Chief Justice of the New York Supreme Court – 1804-14; Chancellor of New York – 1814-23
# kentjames
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KENTON, SIMON (1755-1836) American Frontiersman & Soldier; Served in the American Revolutionary War, Northwest Indian War, and War of 1812; Namesake of Kenton, Ohio and Kenton County, Kentucky
# kentons
Document Signed 1787 09 12 manuscript map with Daniel Boone
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KENYON, LOYD, BARON OF GREDINGTON (1732-1802) British Politician; Member of Parliament – 1780-88; Attorney General – 1782-84; Lord Chief Justice – 1788-1802
# kenyonloydbaronofgredington
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KEPPEL, WILLIAM CHARLES, 4th EARL OF ALBEMARLE (1772-1849) British Politician
# keppelwilliamcharlesearlofalbemarle
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KER, JOHN, 3rd DUKE OF ROXBURGHE (1740 – 1804) Scottish Nobleman, Scholar, and Publisher
# kerjohn3rddukeofroxburghe
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
KERSHAW, JOSEPH BREVARD (1822-94) Confederate Major General – South Carolina
# kershawjosephbrevard
Autograph Letter Signed 1874 03 03
Autograph Letter Signed 1877 06 15
KETCHAM, JOHN HENRY (1832-1906) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – New York – 1865-73, 1877-93 & 1897-1906
# ketchamjohnhenry
Signature as US Representative
KETCHUM, WILLIAM SCOTT (1813-71) Union Brigadier General
# ketchumwilliamscott
Signature & Rank from a letter
KEY, DAVID McKENDREE (1824-1900) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 43rd Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Postmaster General – 1877-80; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1875-77
# keydavidmckendree
Signed Card
Signed Card 1883 05 03
KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT (1779-1843) American Lawyer, Author, and Amateur Poet; Wrote the poem "The Star-Spangled Banner," which eventually became the lyrics of the American national anthem, during the War of 1812
# keyfs
Autograph Letter Signed 1835 04 20
Autograph Note Signed 1840 11
Autograph Manuscript unsigned no date "The Star-Spangled Banner"
KEYES, ERASMUS DARWIN (1810-95) Union Major General; Veteran of the antebellum Indian Wars in the Pacific Northwest
# keyeserasmusdarwin
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 05 13 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 05 13 pg2
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 05 13 pg3
Document/Autograph Endorsement Signed 1862 09 14 with Generals John J Peck, William H Emory
Signature & Rank
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 01 02
KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD (1883-1946) English Economist
# keynesjohnmaynard
Typed Letter Signed 1937 11 10
KIERNAN, JAMES LAWLOR (1837-1869) Union Brigadier General; Surgeon of the 6th Missouri Union Cavalry
# kiernanjameslawlor
Signature & Rank from a letter
KILBURN, CHARLES LAWRENCE (1819-99) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# kilburncharleslawrence
Signature & Rank
KILPATRICK, HUGH JUDSON (1836-81) Union Major General; U.S. Minister to Chile – 1866-70 & 1881
# kilpatrickhughjudson
Endorsement Signed 1863 10 28
Autograph Letter Signed 1864 02 27
Signed Album Page
Signature & Rank
KIMBALL, EDGAR ALLEN (1821-62) Lieutenant Colonel of the 9th New York Infantry; Killed during a disagreement by Union General Michael Corcoran
# kimballedgarallen
Signature & Rank
KIMBALL, NATHAN (1822-98) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 14th Indiana Infantry; Surveyor General for the Utah Territory – 1873-78; Postmaster of Ogden, Utah – 1879-98; Veteran of the Mexican War
# kimballnathan
Signature & Rank
KING, ADAM ECKFELDT (1837-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant – 31st New York Infantry; Staff Officer to Generals Calvin Pratt, Henry Terry, James Ricketts, Christopher Auger & Winfield S. Hancock
# kingadameckfeldt
Document Signed 1866 02 09
Document Signed 1866 02 10
Signature & Rank
KING, CHARLES (1844-1933) Civil War Iron Brigade Drummer Boy; Son of Civil War General Rufus King; U.S. Brigadier General of Volunteers – Spanish-American War; Veteran of the western Indian Wars; Author, notably of a biography of Ulysses S. Grant
# kingcharles
Autograph Note Signed 1898 05 05
Signed Photograph