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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1821 thru 1840.
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KEITT, LAURENCE MASSILLON (1824-64) Confederate Colonel – 20th South Carolina Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia – June 1, 1864; Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – 1853-60

# keittlaurencemassillon

KELLEY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1807-91) Union Brigadier General

# kelleybenjaminfranklin

KELLEY, WILLIAM DARRAH (1814-90) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania - 1861-90

# kelleywilliamdarrah

KELLOGG, WILLIAM PITT (1830-1918) Governor of Louisiana - 1873-77; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1868-72 & 1877-83; U.S. Representative – 1883-85

# kelloggwilliampitt

KELLY, JOHN (1822-86) U.S. Representative – New York – 1855-58; Sheriff of New York County – 1859-61 & 1865-67

# kellyjohn

KELLY, JOHN HERBERT (1840-64) Confederate Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at Franklin, Tennessee – September 2, 1864

# kellyjohnherbert

KELLY, PATRICK (ca1822-1864) Irish-born Union Colonel of the 88th New York Infantry; Led the Irish Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Petersburg, Virginia – June 16, 1864

# kellypatrick

KELTON, JOHN CUNNINGHAM (1833-1903) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 9th Missouri Infantry; Staff Officer to Generals Nathaniel Lyon and Henry Halleck

# keltonjohncunningham

KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE “FANNY” (1809-93) British Actress, Writer, and Abolitionist

# kemblefrancesanne

KEMBLE, JOHN PHILIP (1757-1823) English Actor; Father of noted British Actress Fanny Kemble

# kemblejohnphilip

KEMPER, JAMES LAWSON (1823-95) Confederate Major General; Governor of Virginia – 1874-78

# kemperjameslawson

KENAN, AUGUSTUS HOLMES (1805-70) Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1861-64

# kenanaugustusholmes

KENDALL, AMOS (1789-1869) U.S. Postmaster General – 1835-40

# kendallamos

KENLY, JOHN REESE (1818-91) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Maryland Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# kenlyjohnreese

KENNEDY, JACQUELINE (1929-95) U.S. First Lady - 1961-63; Wife of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

# jacquelinekennedy

KENNEDY, JOHN DOBY (1840-96) Confederate Brigadier General; Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina – 1880-82

# kennedyjohndoby

KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD (1917-63) Thirty-Fifth U.S. President – 1960-63; U.S. Senator – Massachusetts – 1953-60; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1947-53

# kennedyjohnfitzgerald

KENNEDY, JOSEPH PATRICK, SR. (1888-1969) American Businessman & Politician; U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom – 1938-40; Father of President John F. Kennedy

# kennedyjosephpatricksr

KENNEDY, ROBERT FRANCIS (1925-68) U.S. Attorney General – 1961-64; U.S. Senator - New York – 1965-68; Brother of President John F. Kennedy

# kennedyrobertfrancis

KENNER, DUNCAN FARRAR (1813-87) Confederate Congressman – Louisiana – 1861-62; Confederate Diplomat

# kennerduncanfarrar
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1821 thru 1840.
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