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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1801 thru 1820.
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JONES, WILLIAM (1760-1831) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1813-14; Acting U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1813-14; President of the Second Bank of the United States – 1817-19; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1801-03

# joneswlliam

JONES, WILLIAM EDMUNDSON “GRUMBLE” (1824-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Piedmont, Virginia – June 5, 1864

# joneswilliamedmundson

JORDAN, ROBERT B. (1826-78) Union Lieutenant Colonel – 84th New York Infantry

# jordanrobertb

JORDAN, THOMAS (1819-95) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# jordant

JOSEY, JOHN E. (?-?) Confederate Colonel – 15th Arkansas Infantry

# joseyjohne

JOUBERT, BARTHELEMY CATHERINE (1769-99) French General during the French Revolutionary Wars; Killed-in Action while commanding the French Army at the Battle of Novi – August 15, 1799

# joubertbc

JUAREZ, BENITO (1806-72) President of Mexico – 1858-72; Mexican Lawyer & Politician; Governor of Oaxaca – 1847-52

# juarezbenito

JUDAH, HENRY MOSES (1821-66) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & western Indian Wars

# judahhenrymoses

JUDD, NORMAN BUEL (1815-78) U.S. Congressman - Illinois - 1867-71

# juddnb

JUDSON, EMILY (1817-54) American Poet; Born Emily Chubbuck, later wrote under the pseudonym Fanny Forester

# judsonemily

JUMPER, JOHN (circa 1820-1896) Principal Chief of the Seminole Nation – 1849-65 & 1882-85; Confederate Colonel, First Regiment Seminole Volunteers, during the American Civil War

# jumperjohn

JUNG, CARL GUSTAV (1875-1961 Swiss Psychiatrist & Psychoanalyst

# jungcarlgustav

KAGANOVICH, LAZAR (1893-1991) Soviet Politician; Only Jewish member of Joseph Stalin’s Cabinet

# kaganovichlazar

KANE, THOMAS LEIPER (1822-83) Union Brigadier General

# kanethomasleiper

KAUTZ, AUGUST VALENTINE (1828-95) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & western Indian Wars

# kautzaugustvalentine

KEARNEY, PHILIP, JR. (1815-62) Union Major General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chantilly, Virginia – September 1, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War

# kearneyphilipjr

KEEBLE, EDWIN AUGUSTUS (1807-68) Confederate Congressman – Tennessee – 1864-65; Mayor of Murfreesboro, Tennessee – 1838-55

# keebleedwinaugustus

KEENE, LAURA (1826-73) British Stage Actress & Theatre Manager

# keenelaura

KEIFER, JOSEPH WARREN (1836-1932) Union Brevet Major General; Major General of Volunteers during the Spanish-American War; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1877-85 & 1905-11; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1881-83

# keiferjosephwarren

KEIM, WILLIAM HIGH (1813-62) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1858-59

# keimwilliamhigh
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