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# apollo9


# astronautsmercury

ATCHISON, DAVID RICE (1807-1886) U.S. President – March 4, 1849 - as President-elect Zachary Taylor refused to be sworn-in on a Sunday; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1843-55; Confederate State Militia Officer

# atchisondr

ATKINS, JOHN DeWITT CLINTON (1825-1908) Confederate Congressman – Tennessee – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1857-59 & 1873-83; U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs – 1885-88

# atkinsjohndewittclinton

ATKINSON, ARCHIBALD (1792-1872) Served in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1843-49

# atkinsona

AUDEN, WYNSTAN HUGH (1907-73) British-American Poet

# audenwynstanhugh

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851) Haitian-Born American Ornithologist, Naturalist & Painter; Published the “Birds of America,” 1827-38

# audubonjohnjames

AUGUR, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1821-98) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# augurchristophercolumbus

AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, DUKE OF SUSSEX (1773-1843) Son of King George III & Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

# augustusfrederickdukeofsussex

AUGUSTUS II (1670-1733) King of Poland - 1697-1706 & 1709-33

# augustusII

AUGUSTUS III (1696-1763) King of Poland - 1733-63

# augustusIII

AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) English Novelist; Author of “Sense and Sensibility,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Emma”

# austenjane

AUSTIN, HENRY SEYMOUR (1811-91) Prominent Attorney in Peoria and Chicago, Illinois; Agent for the Des Moines Land Company in the 1830s, instrumental in establishing the towns of Montrose and Keokuk, Iowa

# austinhenryseymour

AUSTIN, STEPHEN F. (1793-1836) Leader in the Texas Revolution; Texas Secretary of State – 1836

# austinsf

AVERELL, ALBERT JAMES (1823-96) Steamboat Captain in California during the Gold Rush; Prominent Land Speculator in Chicago, Illinois

# averellalbertjames

AVERELL, WILLIAM WOODS (1832-1900) Union Brigadier General

# averellwilliamwoods

AVERETT, THOMAS H. (1800-55) Served as a Drummer Boy in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1849-53

# averettth

AVERILL, JOHN THOMAS (1825-89) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Minnesota - 1871-75

# averilljohnthomas

AVERY, ROBERT (1839-1912) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 102nd New York Infantry

# averyrobert

AXTELL, SAMUEL BEACH (1819-91) U.S. Congressman – California – 1867-71; Governor of the New Mexico Territory – 1875-78

# axtellsb
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