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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1741 thru 1760.
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JAMISON, DAVID FLAVEL (1810-64) Confederate Colonel – South Carolina

# jamisondavidflavel

JAY, JOHN (1745-1829) First Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1789-95; President of the Continental Congress – 1778-79; Continental Congress Delegate – 1774-76 & 1778-79; Governor of New York – 1795-1801

# jayjohn

JEANNIN, PIERRE (1542–1623) French Statesman

# jeanninpierre

JEFFERIES, NOAH LEMUEL (1828-96) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Register of the U.S. Treasury – 1868-69

# jefferiesnoahlemuel

JEFFERSON, JOSEPH (1829-1905) American Actor

# jeffersonjoseph

JEFFERSON, THOMAS (1743-1826) Third U.S. President – 1801-09; U.S. Vice President – 1797-1801; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; U.S. Secretary of State – 1790-93; Governor of Virginia - 1779-81; Founder of the University of Virginia

# jeffersonthomas

JEFFREY, FRANCIS/LORD JEFFREY (1773-1850) Scottish Judge & Literary Critic; Member of Parliament – 1831-34

# jeffreyfrancis

JENKINS, ALBERT GALLATIN (1830-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg; Confederate Congressman – 1862; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1857-61

# jenkinsalbertgallatin

JENKINS, MICAH (1835-64) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina; Mortally wounded at the Battle of The Wilderness - May 6, 1864

# jenkinsm18610320als

JENKINS, THORNTON ALEXANDER (1811-93) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Veteran of the Mexican War

# jenkinsthorntonalexander

JENKINSON, ROBERT BANKS, 2ND EARL OF LIVERPOOL (1770-1828) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom – 1812-27

# jenkinsonrobertbanks

JENNINGS, JOHN DRAKE (1816-89) Prominent Merchant & Real Estate Developer in Chicago, Illinois

# jenningsjohndrake

JERVIS, JOHN, 1st EARL OF ST. VINCENT (1735-1823) British Navy Officer in the Seven Years’ War, the American Revolutionary War, the French Revolutionary Wars, and the Napoleonic Wars; Admiral of the Fleet; Member of Parliament – 1783-94

# jervisjohn1stearlofstvincent

JOHNS, THOMAS D. (1824-83) Union Brevet Brigadier General: Union Colonel – 7th Massachusetts Infantry

# johnthomasd

JOHNSON, ANDREW (1808-75) Seventeenth U.S. President – 1865-69; U.S. Vice President – 1865; Union Brigadier General; Military Governor of Tennessee – 1862-65; Governor of Tennessee – 1853-57; U.S. Senator – Tennessee - 1875

# johnsonandrew

JOHNSON, BRADLEY TYLER (1829-1903) Confederate Brigadier General - Maryland

# johnsonbradleytyler

JOHNSON, BUSHROD RUST (1817-80) Confederate Brigadier General

# johnsonbushrodrust

JOHNSON, CAVE (1793-1866) U.S. Postmaster General – 1845-49; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1829-37 & 1839-45

# johnsoncave

JOHNSON, CLAUDIA ALTA “LADY BIRD” (1912-2007) U.S. First Lady – 1963-69; Wife of U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson

# johnsonladybird

JOHNSON, EDWARD “ALLEGHENY” (1816-73) Confederate Major General

# johnsonedward
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1741 thru 1760.
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