Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
INGALLS, RUFUS (1818-93) Union Brigadier General; Brigadier & Quartermaster General of the U.S. Army – 1882-83; Veteran of the Mexican War
# ingallsrufus
Autograph Document Signed 1862 05 14
Letter Signed 1864 12 08
Signature & Rank
Signature from a letter
INGERSOLL, CHARLES J. (1782-1862) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1813-15 & 1841-49
# ingersollcj
Autograph Letter Signed 1847 06 26 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1847 06 26 pg2
Signature as US Congressman
Signature as US Congressman
INGERSOLL, CHARLES R. (1821-1903) Governor of Connecticut – 1873-77
# ingersollcr
Signed Card 1875 03 03
INGERSOLL, COLIN M. (1819-1903) U.S. Congressman – Connecticut – 1851-55
# ingersollcm
Signature as US Congressman
INGERSOLL, JARED (1749-1822) Continental Congress Delegate; Signer of the U.S. Constitution
# ingersollj
Autograph Letter Signed 1792 01 24 pg1a
Autograph Letter Signed 1792 01 24 pg1b
Autograph Letter Signed 1792 01 24 address panel
Autograph Letter Signed 1808 05 30
Autograph Document Signed 1812 01
INGERSOLL, JOSEPH R. (1786-1868) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1841-49
# ingersolljr
Signature as US Congressman
INGRAHAM, DUNCAN NATHANIEL (1802-91) Confederate Navy Captain - South Carolina
# ingrahamdincannathaniel
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
INGRAHAM, GRANVILLE SHERWOOD (1824-1892) Wholesale Grocer & Real Estate Investor in Chicago, Illinois
# ingrahamgranvillesherwood
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
INNOCENT IV (circa 1195-1254) Genoan-born Pope 1243-54
# innocentIV
Document Signed partial 1229 12 21
Document Signed 1229 12 21 description pg1
Document Signed 1229 12 21 description pg2
IRELAND, JOHN (1827-96) Governor of Texas – 1883-87; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War
# irelandjohn
Signed Card
Signed Card
IRION, ROBERT ANDERSON (1807-61) Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas - 1836-38
# irionrichardanderson
Document Signed 1836 12 22 with Sam Houston
Document Signed 1838 12 08 with Sam Houston
IRVING, WASHINGTON (1783-1859) American Author, Essayist & Historian; Wrote “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” & “Rip Van Winkle”
# irvingwashington
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
ISACKS, JACOB C. (?-?) U.S. Congressman – Tennessee – 1823-33
# isacksjosephc
Letter Signed 1828 05 19 with James Knox Polk
ISRAELS, JOZEF (1824-1911) Dutch Artist
# israelsjozef
Autograph Letter Signed portion 1903 08 24
IVAN IV, THE TERRIBLE (1530-84) First Czar of Russia – 1547-84
# ivanIV
Document Signed 1550
IVERSON, ALFRED, JR. (1829-1911) Confederate Brigadier General
# iversonalfredjr
IVERSON, ALFRED, SR. (1798-1873) U.S. Senator - Georgia – 1855-61; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1847-49
# iversonalfredsr
Signature as US Senator with others
IVES, WILLARD (1806-96) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1851-53
# iveswillard
Signature as US Congressman
JABOTINSKY, VLADIMIR (1880-1940) Russian-born Zionist Leader
# jabotinskyvladimir
Document Signed 1929 06 05
JACKSON, ALFRED EUGENE (1807-89) Confederate Brigadier General
# jacksonalfredeugene
Document Signed 1860 07