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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1661 thru 1680.
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HOWLEY, WILLIAM, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY (1766-1848) English Clergyman; Archbishop of Canterbury – 1828-48

# howleywilliamarchbishopofcanterbury

HOYT, CHARLES HENRY (1825-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# hoytcharleshenry

HOYT, HENRY MARTYN, SR. (1830-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 52nd Pennsylvania Infantry; Governor of Pennsylvania – 1879-83

# hoythenrymartynsr

HOYT, WILLIAM MELANCTON (1837-1925) Prominent Wholesale Grocer in Chicago, Illinois

# hoytwilliammelancton

HUBBARD, GURDON SALTONSTALL (1802-86) Fur Trader & Early Settler of Chicago, Illinois; Land Speculator, highly influential in the development of Chicago; Namesake of Hubbard Street and Hubbard High School

# hubbardgurdonsaltonstall

HUBBARD, LUCIUS FREDERICK (1836-1913) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Governor of Minnesota – 1882-87

# hubbardluciusfrederick

HUBBARD, THOMAS HAMLIN (1838-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 30th Maine Infantry

# hubbardthomashamlin

HUBBELL, JAY A. (1829-1900) U.S. Congressman – Michigan – 1873-83

# hubbelljaya

HUDSON, CHARLES (1795-1881) Served in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1841-49

# hudsoncharles

HUDSON, JOHN GARDNER (1832-1908) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Captain – 33rd Missouri Infantry; Union Colonel – 60th U.S. Colored Infantry

# hudsonjohngardner

HUGER, BENJAMIN (1805-77) Confederate Major General – South Carolina

# hugerbenjamin

HUGER, ISAAC (1743-97) Brigadier General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War

# hugerisaac

HUGHES, CHARLES EVANS, SR. (1868-1948) Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1930-41; Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court – 1910-16; U.S. Secretary of State – 1921-25; Governor of New York – 1907-10

# hughescharlesevans

HUGHES, SARAH TILGHMAN (1896-1985) Federal Judge on the U.S. Court for the Northern District of Texas, 1961-75

# hughessarahtilghman

Served on the three-judge panel which first heard Roe v. Wade, the decision being affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, overturned in 2022

Most remembered for swearing in Lyndon Johnson aboard Air Force One after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON (1769-1859) Prussian Geographer, Naturalist, and Explorer

# humboldtalexandervon

HUME, ABRAHAM, 2nd BARONET (1749-1838) British Politician; Member of Parliament – 1774-80 & 1807-18

# humeabrahambaronet

HUMPHREYS, ANDREW ATKINSON (1810-83) Union Major General; Veteran of the Seminole Wars

# humphreysandrewatkinson

HUMPHREYS, BENJAMIN GRUBB (1808-82) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi; Governor of Mississippi – 1865-68

# humphreysbenjamingrubb

HUMPHREYS, DAVID (1752-1818) American Revolutionary War, Colonel in the Continental Army; Served on the staffs of Generals Samuel Parsons, Israel Putnam, and Nathanael Greene; Appointed Aide-de-Camp to General George Washington – 1780

# humphreysdavid

HUNGERFORD, ORVILLE (1790-1851) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-47; President of the Watertown & Rome Railroad Company

# hungerfordo
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1661 thru 1680.
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