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HOSACK, DAVID (1769-1835) American Physician, Botanist, and Educator; Widely known as the doctor who treated the fatal injuries of Alexander Hamilton after his duel with Aaron Burr on July 11, 1804

# hosackdavid

HOSKINS, GEORGE G. (1824-93) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1873-77; Lieutenant Governor of New York – 1880-83; Postmaster of Bennington, New York – 1849-53 & 1861-66

# hoskinsgeorgeg

HOSMER, HARRIET (1830-1908) American Neoclassical Sculptor

# hosmerharriet

HOUDINI, HARRY (1874-1926) Hungarian-born American Escape Artist & Illusionist

# houdiniharry

HOUSEMAN, JOHN (1902-88) British-American Actor & Producer

# housemanjohn

HOUSTON, DAVID FRANKLIN (1866-1940) U.S. Secretary of Agriculture – 1913-20; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury – 1920-21

# houstondavidfranklin

HOUSTON, SAMUEL (1793-1863) First & Third President of the Republic of Texas – 1836-38 & 1841-44; U.S. Senator – Texas – 1846-59; Governor of Texas – 1859-61; U.S. Congressman – Tennessee – 1823-27; Governor of Tennessee – 1827-29

# houstonsam

HOVEY, ALVIN PETERSON (1821-91) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Indiana – 1889-91; U.S. Representative – Indiana - 1887-89

# hoveyalvinpeterson

HOWARD, CHARLES HENRY (1838-1908) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 128th U.S. Colored Troops; Younger brother of Union General Oliver Otis Howard

# howardcharleshenry

HOWARD, GEORGE, 6th EARL OF CARLISLE (1773-1848) British Statesman; Member of Parliament – 1795-1820

# howardgeorge6thearlofcarlisle

HOWARD, JOHN EAGER (1752-1827) American Revolutionary War, Colonel in the Continental Army, wounded at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina; Delegate to the Continental Congress; U.S. Senator – Maryland – 1796-1803

# howardjohneager

Governor of Maryland – 1788-91; Namesake of Howard County, Maryland, along with Eager and Howard Streets in Baltimore 


HOWARD, OLIVER OTIS (1830-1909) Union Major General; Awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Seven Pines; Veteran of the Seminole Wars; Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau – 1865-74; Founder & namesake of Howard University

# howardoliverotis

HOWARD, VOLNEY ERSKINE (1809-89) Member of the 1st Texas Constitutional Convention; U.S. Congressman – Texas – 1849-53; Elected Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court - 1879

# howardvolneyerskine

HOWE, ALBION PARRIS (1818-97) Union Brigadier General – Maine

# howealbionparris

HOWE, JOHN W. (1801-73) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1849-53

# howejw

HOWE, JULIA WARD (1819-1910) American Author & Abolitionist, best known for her poem, which became “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”

# howejuliaward

HOWE, RICHARD, 1ST EARL HOWE (1726-99) British Naval Officer & Admiral of the Fleet

# howerichard

HOWE, TIMOTHY OTIS (1816-83) U.S. Postmaster General – 1883-83; U.S. Senator – Wisconsin – 1861-79

# howetimothyotis

HOWELL, JAMES, JR. (1829-97) Mayor of Brooklyn, New York - 1878-81

# howelljamesjr

HOWELL, JOSHUA BLACKWOOD (1806-64) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 85th Pennsylvania Infantry; Mortally injured in a fall from his horse - September 12, 1864

# howelljoshuablackwood
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