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HOLBROOK, FREDERICK (1813-1909) Governor of Vermont – 1861-63

# holbrookf

HOLDEN, CHARLES COURTNEY PICKNEY (1827-1905) Prominent Councilman and City Official in Chicago, Illinois; Land Agent for the Illinois Central Railroad Company – 1855-73

# holdencharlescourtneypickney

HOLIDAY, BILLIE (1915-59) American Jazz Singer

# holidayb

HOLLIDAY, FREDERICK WILLIAM MACKEY (1828-99) Confederate Colonel – 33rd Virginia Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1864-65; Governor of Virginia – 1878-82

# hollidayfrederickwilliammackey

HOLMES, ISAAC EDWARD (1796-1867) Confederate Diplomat; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1839-51

# holmesisaacedward

HOLMES, THEOPHILUS HUNTER (1804-80) Confederate Lieutenant General - North Carolina

# holmestheophilushunter

HOLT, JOSEPH (1807-94) Union Brigadier General; Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army – 1862-75; U.S. Postmaster General – 1859-60; U.S. Secretary of War - 1861

# holtjoseph

HOLTZCLAW, JAMES THADEUS (1833-93) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama

# holtzclawjamesthadeus

HOLYOAKE, GEORGE JACOB (1817-1906) English Secularist & Lecturer; Last person convicted of blasphemy in England - 1841

# holyoakegeorgejacob

HOOD, ALEXANDER, 1st VISCOUNT BRIDPORT (1726-1814) British Navy Officer during the Seven Years’ War, the French Revolutionary Wars, and the Napoleonic Wars; Promoted to the rank of Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy - 1795

# hoodalexander viscountbridport

HOOD, JOHN BELL (1831-79) Confederate General; Early-war Colonel of the 4th Texas Infantry

# hoodjohnbell

HOOKER, JOSEPH (1814-79) U.S. Army Major General; Led the Union Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Chancellorsville; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# hookerjoseph

HOOKS, BENJAMIN LAWSON (1925-2010) American Civil Rights Leader; Executive Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – 1977-92

# hooksbenjaminlawson

HOOVER, HERBERT (1874-1964) Thirty-First U.S. President - 1929-33; U.S. Secretary of Commerce – 1921-28

# hooverherbert

HOOVER, LOU HENRY (1874-1944) U.S. First Lady - 1929-33; Wife of U.S. President Herbert Hoover

# hooverlouhenry

HOPKINS, STEPHEN (1707-85) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Delegate to the Continental Congress – Rhode Island – 1774-76; Governor of the Colony of Rhode Island – 1755-57, 1758-62, 1763-65 & 1767-68

# hopkinsstephen


HOPKINSON, FRANCIS (1737-91) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Continental Congress Delegate - New Jersey

# hopkinsonfrancis

HORNER, HENRY (1878-1940) First Jewish Governor of Illinois - Died in Office; Noted collector of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia, his collection was bequeathed to the people of Illinois, and now resides at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library

# hornerhenry

HORNSBY, ROGERS (1896-1963) American Major-League Baseball Player & Manager

# hornsbyrogers

HORTON, OLIVER HARVEY (1835-1915) Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

# hortonoliverharvey
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