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HERRICK, JOSHUA (1793-1874) Served in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Maine – 1843-45

# herrickjoshua

HERRON, FRANCIS JAY (1837-1902) Union Major General – Iowa; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas – March 7-8, 1862

# herronfrancisjay

HERSCHEL, JOHN F. (1792-1871) English Mathematician, Astronomer, and Chemist; Inventor of the Blueprint

# herscheljohnf

HESS, RUDOLF (1894-1987) German Politician & Nazi Party Leader

# hessrudolf

HETH, HENRY (1825-99) Confederate Major General – Virginia

# hethhenry

HEWES, JOSEPH (1730-79) Delegate to the Continental Congress – North Carolina; Signer of the Declaration of Independence

# hewesjoseph

HEYDRICH, REINHARD (1904-42) German SS and Nazi Police Official; Chief of the Reich Main Security Office, including the Gestapo, Kripo, and SD; Mortally wounded by Czech partisans in Prague – May 27, 1942

# heydrichreinhard

HEYWARD, THOMAS, JR. (1746-1809) Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation – South Carolina; Delegate to the Continental Congress – South Carolina - 1775-78; Officer in the South Carolina Militia

# heywardthomasjr

HIBBARD, HARRY (1816-72) U.S. Representative – New Hampshire – 1849-55

# hibbardharry

HICKOK, JAMES BUTLER “WILD BILL” (1837-76) American Folk Hero of the Old West

# hickokjamesbutler

HIGGINS, EDWARD (1821-75) Confederate Brigadier General

# higginsedward

HILL, AMBROSE POWELL (1825-65) Confederate Lieutenant General; Early-war Colonel of the 13th Virginia Infantry; Killed-in-Action during the Battle of Petersburg, Virginia – April 2, 1865; Veteran of the Mexican and Seminole Wars

# hillambrosepowell

HILL, BENJAMIN HARVEY (1823-82) Confederate Senator - 1862-65; U.S. Representative & Senator – Georgia - 1875-82

# hillbenjaminharvey

HILL, BENJAMIN JEFFERSON (1825-80) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee

# hillbenjaminjefferson

HILL, DANIEL HARVEY (1821-89) Confederate Lieutenant General – North Carolina; Brother-in-Law of Stonewall Jackson

# hilldanielharvey

HILL, JOHN (1800-80) U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1839-41

# hilljohn

HILL, JOHN (1821-84) U.S. Representative – New Jersey – 1867-73 & 1881-83

# hilljohn

HILLIARD, HENRY WASHINGTON (1808-92) Confederate Colonel/Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Alabama - 1845-51

# hilliardhenrywashington

HILTON, ROBERT BENJAMIN (1821-94) Confederate Captain – 1st Florida Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Florida – 1862-65

# hiltonrobertbenjamin

HIMMLER, HEINRICH (1900-45) Reichsführer of the SS; A leading member of the Nazi Party of Germany

# himmlerheinrich
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1581 thru 1600.
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