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3406 Items.  Showing Items 141 thru 160.
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ARMSTRONG, NEIL ALDEN (1930-2012) American Astronaut; First man to walk on the Moon

# armstrongneilalden

ARNAUD, FRANCOIS-THOMAS-MARIE de BACULARD d’ (1718-1805) French Writer & Playwright

# arnaudfrancoisthomas

ARNAULD, ANTOINE (1560-1619) French Attorney & Politician; Counsellor of State under Henry IV

# arnauldantoine

ARNOLD, BENEDICT (1741-1801) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; Defected to the British in 1780

# arnoldbenedict

ARNOLD, ISAAC NEWTON (1815-84) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1861-65

# arnoldisaacnewton

ARNOLD, LEWIS GOLDING (1817-71) Union Brigadier General

# arnoldlewisgolding

ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1833-88) British Author & Poet

# arnoldmatthew

ARNOLD, RICHARD (1828-82) Union Brigadier General

# arnoldrichard

ARTHUR III, ARTHUR de RICHEMONT (1393-1458) Duke of Brittany – 1457-58

# arthurIII

ARTHUR, CHESTER A. (1830-86) Twenty-First U.S. President - 1881-85; U.S. Vice President – 1881; Civil War Quartermaster General of New York

# arthurchestera

ASBOTH, ALEXANDER (1811-68) Hungarian-born Union Brigadier General

# asbothalexander

ASHBY, TURNER (1828-62) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action near Harrisonburg, Virginia – June 6, 1862

# ashbyturner

ASHLEY, JAMES MITCHELL (1824-96) Abolitionist U.S. Congressman – 1859-69; Governor of the Montana Territory – 1869-70

# ashleyjm

ASHLEY-COOPER, CROPLEY, 6th EARL OF SHAFTESBURY (1735-1823) British Politician; Member of Parliament – 1790-1811

# ashleycoopercropley

ASHMUN, GEORGE (1804-70) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1845-51; President of the 1860 Republican National Convention at Chicago; Director of the Union Pacific Railroad Company

# ashmung

Met with President Lincoln at the Executive Mansion on the evening of April 14, 1865, shortly before he departed for Ford’s Theater

ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1763-1848) German-Born American Merchant, Fur Trader & Investor

# astorjohnjacob

ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1822-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Served on the staff of General George B. McClellan

# astorjohnjacob


# astronauts


# apollo11


# apollo13
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