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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1561 thru 1580.
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HENDERSON, DAVID BREMNER (1840-1906) Scottish-born Union Lieutenant Colonel – 12th Iowa Infantry, later Union Colonel – 46th Iowa Infantry; U.S. Representative – Iowa - 1883-1903; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1899-1903

# hendersondavidbremner

HENDERSON, JOHN BROOKS (1826-1913) U.S. Senator - Missouri – 1862-69; Co-author of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; Brigadier General of Missouri State Militia during the American Civil War

# hendersonjohnbrooks

HENDERSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1824-1911) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 112th Illinois Infantry; U.S. Congressman – Illinois – 1875-95

# hendersonthomasjefferson

HENLEY, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1808-75) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1843-49; Superintendent of Indian Affairs of California – 1855-58; Postmaster of San Francisco – 1860-64

# henleytj

HENNESSY, JOHN A. (1834-?) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 52nd Pennsylvania Infantry

# hennessyjohna

HENRY I (1068-1135) King of England – 1100-35; Fourth Son of William the Conqueror

# henryIofengland

HENRY I OF LORRAINE, duc de GUISE (1550-88) French Nobleman

# henryIdukeofguise

HENRY II (1519-59) King of France - 1547-59

# henryIIoffrance

HENRY III (1551-89) King of France - 1574-89

# henryIIIoffrance

HENRY IV (1553-1610) King of France - 1589-1610

# henryIVoffrance

HENRY VII (1457-1509) King of England – 1485-1509

# henryVII

HENRY VIII (1491-1547) King of England – 1509-47

# henryVIII

HENRY, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, SR. (1804-80) Confederate Staff Officer; Confederate Senator – Tennessee – 1862-65

# henrygustavusadolphussr

HENRY, PATRICK (1736-99) American Revolutionary-Era Orator & Politician; Governor of Virginia – 1776-79 & 1784-86

# henrypatrick

HENRY, WILBUR FISK (1838-1930) Union Captain – 108th Illinois Infantry, during the American Civil War; Resided in Pekin, Illinois and Kansas City, Missouri after the war

# henrywilburfisk

HENRY, WILLIAM E. (1830-?) Railroad Executive & Notable Resident of Joliet, Illinois

# henrywilliame

Built numerous railroads, including the Richmond and York River Railroad and the Chickahominy River bridge, made famous during the American Civil War; Supervised the Virginia railroads within Union control for the U.S. Government – 1863-64

HERBERT, CALEB CLAIBORNE (1814-67) Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1862-65

# herbertcalebclaiborne

HERBERT, HILARY ABNER (1834-1919) U.S. Secretary of the Navy – 1893-97; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1877-93

# herberthilaryabner

HEREFORD, FRANK (1825-91) U.S. Senator – West Virginia – 1877-81

# herefordfrankg

HERNDON, WILLIAM HENRY (1818-91) Law Partner and Biographer of President Abraham Lincoln; Elected Mayor of Springfield, Illinois in 1854

# herndonwilliamhenry
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