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HAYS, SAMUEL LEWIS (1794-1871) U.S. Representative – Virginia - 1841-43; Sponsored Stonewall Jackson’s admission to West Point

# hayssamuellewis

HAYS, WILLIAM (1819-75) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# hayswilliam

HAYWARD, JOHN SHAW (1803-69) Prominent Merchant & Landowner in Hillsboro, Illinois

# haywardjohnshaw

HAZARD, EBENEZER (1744-1817) U.S. Postmaster General - 1782-89; Postmaster of New York City & Surveyor General of the Continental Post Office during the American Revolutionary War

# hazardebenezer

HAZARD, JOHN GARDNER (1832-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# hazardjohngardner

HAZEN, MOSES (1733-1803) Brigadier General in the Continental Army, American Revolutionary War; Veteran of the French & Indian War

# hazenmoses

HAZEN, WILLIAM BABCOCK (1830-87) Union Major General; Early-war Colonel of the 41st Ohio Infantry; Chief Signal Officer in the U.S. Army – 1880-87; Veteran of the Indian Wars

# hazenwilliambabcock

HEAVISIDE, JOHN (?-1828) English Surgeon

# heavisidejohn

HEBARD, WILLIAM (1800-75) U.S. Congressman – Vermont – 1849-53; Associate Justice on the Vermont Supreme Court – 1842-46

# hebardw

HEBER, REGINALD (1783-1826) English Anglican Bishop; Bishop of Calcutta – 1823-26

# heberreginald

HEBERT, LOUIS (1820-1901) Confederate Brigadier General – Louisiana

# hebertlouis

HEBERT, PAUL OCTAVE (1818-80) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Louisiana – 1853-56

# hebertpauloctave

HECKMAN CHARLES ADAM (1822-96) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# heckmancharlesadam

HEINTZELMAN, SAMUEL PETER (1805-80) Union Major General – Pennsylvania; Commander of the Third Corps, Union Army of the Potomac, March 13-October 30, 1862; Saw action in the Peninsula Campaign & the Battle of Second Bull Run

# heintzelmansamuelpeter

HELM, BENJAMIN HARDIN (1831-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Kentucky; Brother-in-Law of Abraham Lincoln; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga

# helmbenjaminhardin

HELMLE, CARL ALBERT (1827-97) German-Born Brewer in Springfield, Illinois; Founded the Springfield Savings Bank in 1867

# helmlecarlalbert

HEMANS, FELICIA DOROTHEA (1793-1835) English Romantic Poet

# hemansfeliciadorothea

HEMINGWAY, ERNEST (1899-1961) American Writer

# hemingwayernest

HEMPHILL, JOHN (1803-62) Confederate Congressman – Texas - 1861-62; U.S. Senator – Texas – 1859-61

# hemphilljohn

HENAULT, CHARLES-JEAN-FRANCOIS (1685-1770) French Writer & Historian

# henaultcjf
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