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HAUPT, HERMAN (1817-1905) Union Brigadier General – Pennsylvania; Civil & Railroad Construction Engineer

# haupth

HAUY, RENE JUST, Abbe (1743-1822) French Priest & Mineralogist

# hauyrj

HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F. (1804-74) Mayor of New York City – 1845-46, 1848-49, and 1873-74; American Businessman; President of the Bank of North America

# havemeyerwf

HAVEN, SOLOMON G. (1810-61) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1851-57; Mayor of Buffalo, New York – 1846-47

# havensg

HAWES, RICHARD, JR. (1797-1877) Confederate Governor of Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1837-41

# hawesrichardjr

HAWKINS, JOHN PARKER (1830-1914) Union Brigadier General; Commander of the 1st Division, U.S. Colored Troops at Fort Blakely & Mobile, Alabama

# hawkinsjohnparker

HAWLEY, JOSEPH ROSWELL (1826-1905) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Connecticut – 1866-67; U.S. Senator – Connecticut – 1881-1905; U.S. Representative – Connecticut - 1872-77

# hawleyjosephroswell

HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL (1804-64) American Novelist & Writer

# hawthornenathaniel

HAY, JOHN MILTON (1838-1905) Personal Secretary of President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War; U.S. Secretary of State - 1898-1905

# hayjohnmilton

HAYES, JOSEPH (1835-1912) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Utah War

# hayesjoseph

HAYES, LUCY W. (1831-89) U.S. First Lady – 1877-81; Wife of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes

# hayeslucyw

HAYES, PHILIP C. (1833-1916) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant Colonel – 103rd Ohio Infantry; Staff Officer to General John M. Schofield; U.S. Congressman – Illinois – 1877-81

# hayesphilipc

HAYES, RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD (1822-93) Nineteenth U.S. President - 1877-81; Governor of Ohio – 1868-72 & 1876-77; Union Brigadier General - Ohio

# hayesrutherfordbirchard

HAYMAN, SAMUEL BRINCKLE (1820-95) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 37th New York Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# haymansamuelbrinckle

HAYNE, ROBERT Y. (1791-1839) Governor of South Carolina – 1832-34; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1823-32; Mayor of Charleston, South Carolina – 1836-37; Served in the War of 1812, Captain in the Third South Carolina Militia

# hayneroberty

HAYNES, LANDON CARTER (1816-75) American Newspaper Editor; Confederate Senator – Tennessee – 1862-65

# hayneslandoncarter

HAYNIE, ISHAM NICHOLAS (1824-68) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 48th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# haynieishamnicholas

HAYS, ALEXANDER (1819-64) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of the Wilderness - May 5, 1864; Veteran of the Mexican War

# haysalexander

HAYS, HARRY THOMPSON (1820-76) Confederate Brigadier General - Louisiana

# haysharrythompson

HAYS, SAMUEL (1783-1868) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1843-45; Appointed Marshal for the Western District of Pennsylvania – 1847; Brigadier General of Pennsylvania State Militia – 1841-43

# hayssamuel
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