Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
HARTSUFF, GEORGE LUCAS (1830-74) Union Major General; Veteran of the Seminole Wars
# hartsuffgeorgelucas
Signature & Rank
HARTWELL, CHARLES ATHERTON (1836-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 55th Massachusetts Infantry
# hartwellcharlesatherton
HASCALL, MILO SMITH (1829-1904) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 17th Indiana Infantry
# hascallmilosmith
Signature & Rank
HASKELL, ALEXANDER CHEVES (1839-1910) Confederate Colonel – 7th South Carolina Cavalry
# haskellalexandercheves
HASKELL, JOHN CHEVES (1841-1907) Confederate Lieutenant – 1st South Carolina Infantry
# haskelljohncheves
HASKIN, JOSEPH ABEL (1818-74) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# haskinjosephabel
Signature & Rank
HASTINGS, FRANCIS, MARQUIS, 1st MARQUESS OF HASTINGS (1754-1826) British Army Officer, promoted to the rank of General in 1803; Veteran of the American Revolutionary War; Governor-General of India – 1813-23; Governor of Malta – 1824-26
# hastingsfrancismarquis
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
HASTINGS, WARREN (1732-1818) British Colonial Administrator; Governor-General of India – 1773-85
# hastingswarren
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
HATCH, EDWARD (1832-89) Union Brigadier General; Civil War Colonel of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry & post-war 9th U.S. Infantry, Buffalo Soldiers
# hatchedward
Signature & Rank
Document Signed 1874 06 17
HATCH, JOHN PORTER (1822-1901) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of South Mountain, September 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War & the western Indian Wars
# hatchjohnporter
Signature & Rank
Autograph Letter Signed 1865 01 19
HATCHER, ROBERT ANTHONY (1819-86) Confederate Army Officer; Confederate Congressman – Missouri – 1864-65; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1873-79
# hatcherrobertanthony
HATHORN, HENRY H. (1813-87) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1873-77; Discoverer of “Hathorn Mineral Spring”
# hathornhh
Signature as US Congressman
HATTON, ROBERT HOPKINS (1826-62) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Seven Pines, Virginia – May 31, 1862; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1859-61
# hattonroberthopkins
HAUPT, HERMAN (1817-1905) Union Brigadier General – Pennsylvania; Civil & Railroad Construction Engineer
# haupth
Autograph Letter Signed 1862 12 15
HAUY, RENE JUST, Abbe (1743-1822) French Priest & Mineralogist
# hauyrj
Autograph Letter Signed
HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F. (1804-74) Mayor of New York City – 1845-46, 1848-49, and 1873-74; American Businessman; President of the Bank of North America
# havemeyerwf
Signed Card 1873 02 22
HAVEN, SOLOMON G. (1810-61) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1851-57; Mayor of Buffalo, New York – 1846-47
# havensg
Signature as US Congressman
HAWES, RICHARD, JR. (1797-1877) Confederate Governor of Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1837-41
# hawesrichardjr
HAWKINS, JOHN PARKER (1830-1914) Union Brigadier General; Commander of the 1st Division, U.S. Colored Troops at Fort Blakely & Mobile, Alabama
# hawkinsjohnparker
HAWLEY, JOSEPH ROSWELL (1826-1905) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Connecticut – 1866-67; U.S. Senator – Connecticut – 1881-1905; U.S. Representative – Connecticut - 1872-77
# hawleyjosephroswell
Letter Signed 1884 06 21
Signed Card 1886 04 20