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HAMLIN, HANNIBAL (1809-91) U.S. Vice President - 1861-65; Governor of Maine – 1857; U.S. Senator – Maine – 1848-61 & 1869-81; U.S. Representative – 1843-47

# hamlinhannibal

HAMMETT, DASHIELL (1894-1961) American Writer

# hammettdashiell

HAMMOND, JAMES HENRY (1807-64) Governor of South Carolina – 1842-44; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1835-36; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1857-60

# hammondjameshenry

HAMMOND, JOHN HENRY (1827-89) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 5th New York Cavalry; U.S. Congressman – New York - 1879-83

# hammondjohnhenry

HAMMOND, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1828-1900) Union Brigadier General; Surgeon General of the U.S. Army – 1862-64; Founder of the Army Medical Museum; Co-founder of the American Neurological Association

# hammondwilliamalexander

HAMPTON, WADE (1818-1902) Confederate Lieutenant General– South Carolina; Governor of South Carolina – 1876-79; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1879-91

# hamptonwade

HANCOCK, ALMIRA RUSSELL (1832-93) Wife of Union Civil War General Winfield Scott Hancock

# hancockar

HANCOCK, JOHN (1737-93) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; President of the Continental Congress; Governor of Massachusetts - 1780-85 & 1787-93

# hancockjohn

HANCOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT (1824-86) Union Major General – Pennsylvania; Democratic Presidential Candidate - 1880

# hancockws

HANDEL, GEORGE FREDERICK (1685-1759) German-born Baroque Composer

# handelgf

HANLY, THOMAS BURTON (1812-80) Confederate Congressman – Arkansas – 1861-65

# hanlythomasburton

HANNON, MOSES WRIGHT (1827-97) Confederate Colonel – 53rd Alabama Cavalry

# hannonmoseswright

HANSON, ROGER WEIGHTMAN (1827-63) Confederate Brigadier General - Kentucky; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee – January 2, 1863

# hansonrogerweightman

HARDEE, WILLIAM JOSEPH (1815-73) Confederate Lieutenant General – Georgia

# hardeewilliamjoseph

HARDEMAN, WILLIAM POLK (1816-98) Confederate Brigadier General - Texas

# hardemanwilliampolk

HARDIE, JAMES ALLEN (1823-76) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the antebellum Indian Wars in the Northwest

# hardiejamesallen

HARDIN, MARTIN DAVIS (1837-1923) Union Brigadier General; Son of U.S. Congressman & Illinois Militia General John Jay Hardin

# hardinmartindavis

HARDING, ABNER CLARK (1807-74) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1865-69

# hardingabnerclark

HARDING, FLORENCE KLING (1860-1924) U.S. First Lady - 1921-23; Wife of U.S. President Warren G. Harding

# hardingflorencekling

HARDING, GEORGE TRYON (1843-1928) Father of President Warren G. Harding

# hardinggeorgetryon
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