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GRATTAN, HENRY (1746-1820) Irish Politician; Member of the Irish Parliament – 1775-1801 ; Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom – 1805-20

# grattanhenry

GRAY, GEORGE W. (1834-?) Elected Professor of Mathematics at Quincy College in 1866, served as College President – 1867-72; President of Chaddock College, now Chaddock Boys’ School, also of Quincy, Illinois

# graygeorgew

GRAY, HENRY, JR. (1816-92) Confederate Brigadier General

# grayhenryjr

GRAY, ROBERT (1762-1834) English Bishop of Bristol

# grayrobertbishopofbristol

GRAYSON, JOHN BRECKINRIDGE (1806-61) Confederate Brigadier General

# graysonjohnbreckinridge

GRAYSON, KATHRYN (1922-2010) American Actress of Film, Stage, and Opera

# graysonkathryn

GREELEY, HORACE (1811-72) American Editor & Abolitionist; Founder of the New York Tribune; Democratic Candidate for U.S. President - 1872

# greeleyhorace

GREELY, ADOLPHUS WASHINGTON (1844-1935) U.S. Army Officer, promoted to the rank of Major General in 1906; Veteran of the American Civil War & the Spanish-American War; Arctic Explorer; Recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor

# greelyadolphuswashington

GREEN, BYRAM (1786-1865) U.S. Representative – New York – 1843-45; Served in the War of 1812

# greenbyram

GREEN, DUFF CYRUS (1828-65) Brigadier & Quartermaster General of Alabama State Troops – 1861-65

# greenduffcyrus

GREEN, DWIGHT HERBERT (1897-1958) Governor of Illinois – 1941-49

# greendwightherbert

GREEN, FREDERICK W. (1816-79) U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1851-55; Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer – 1866-74

# greenfrederickw

GREEN, JAMES S. (1817-70) U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1857-61; U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1847-51

# greenjamess

GREEN, JOSEPH FOSTER (1811-97) Union Navy Officer; U.S. Navy Rear Admiral

# greenjosephfoster

GREEN, MARTIN EDWIN (1815-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Missouri; Killed by a Union sharpshooter during the Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi – June 27, 1863

# greenmartinedwin

GREEN, THEODORE F. (1867-1966) Governor of Rhode Island – 1933-37; U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1937-61

# greentheodoref

GREEN, THOMAS (1814-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Texas; Clerk of the Texas Supreme Court – 1841-61

# greenthomas

GREENE, GEORGE SEARS (1801-99) Union Brigadier General

# greenegeorgesears

GREENE, JAMES DURRELL (1828-1902) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Inventor of the Greene Rifle

# greenejamesdurrell

GREENE, NATHANAEL (1742-86) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army

# greenen
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