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GODDARD, ALFRED M. (1841-1914) Union Officer – 33rd Massachusetts Infantry

# goddardalfredm

GODWIN, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL (1831-64) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia – September 19, 1864

# godwinarchibaldcampbell

GOEBBELS, JOSEPH (1897-1945) German Nazi Politician; Reich Minister of Propaganda – 1933-45; Chancellor of Germany – April 30 - May 1, 1945

# goebbelsjoseph

GOFF, NATHAN, JR. (1843-1920) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Navy Secretary – 1881; U.S. Senator – West Virginia – 1913-19; U.S. Representative – West Virginia – 1883-89

# goffnathanjr

GOGGIN, JAMES MONROE (1820-89) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# gogginjamesmonroe

GOLDMAN, EMMA (1869-1940) Anarchist Political Activist, Social Reformer, and Writer

# goldmanemma

GOLDSBOROUGH, CHARLES WASHINGTON (1777–1843) Official in the U.S. Navy Department - 1798-1842

# goldsboroughcw

GOLDSBOROUGH, LOUIS MALESHERBES (1805-77) Union Rear Admiral; Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy – 1853-57; Veteran of the Mexican War

# goldsboroughlouismalesherbes

GOLDSMITH, OLIVER (1728-74) Irish-Born Poet & Novelist; Best Known for “The Vicar of Wakefield”

# goldsmitholiver

GOLDTHWAITE, GEORGE (1809-79) U.S. Senator - Alabama – 1871-77

# goldthwaiteg

GONELLA, NATHANIEL C. (1908-98) English Jazz Trumpeter, Bandleader, and Vocalist

# gonellanc

GONTAUT, ARMAND de, BARON de BIRON (1524-92) French Soldier; Killed at the siege of Epernay - July, 26, 1592

# gontautarmandde

GONTAUT, ARMAND LOUIS de, DUKE OF LAUZUN, later DUKE OF BIRON (1747-93) French Soldier & Politician; Served in the American Revolutionary War & the French Revolution; Executed in Paris on December 31, 1793

# gontautarmandlouis

GOODE, JOHN, JR. (1829-1909) Confederate Colonel; Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1875-81; Solicitor General of the United States – 1885-86

# goodejohnjr

GOODIN, JOHN R. (1836-85) U.S. Congressman – Kansas – 1875-77

# goodinjr

GOODMAN, WALTER A. (1830-83) Confederate Captain; Staff Officer to General James Chalmers; Delivered Nathan Bedford Forrest’s demand for the surrender of the Union Garrison at Fort Pillow

# goodmanwa

GOODWIN, RICHARD N. (1931-2018) American Writer & Presidential Advisor; Aide & Speechwriter to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, and to Senator Robert F. Kennedy; husband of historian Doris Kearns Goodwin

# goodwinrichardn

GORDON, GEORGE HENRY (1823-86) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts; Veteran of the Mexican War

# gordongeorgehenry

GORDON, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1836-1911) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1907-11; Early member of the Ku Klux Klan

# gordongeorgewashington

GORDON, JAMES BYRON (1822-64) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Meadow Bridge, Virginia – May 12, 1864

# gordonjamesbyron
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