Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
GARNETT, RICHARD BROOKE (1828-1863) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action during Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 3, 1863
# garnettrichardbrooke
Civil War Signature & Rank
GARNETT, ROBERT SELDON (1819-61) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Mortally wounded on July 13, 1861, the first general officer killed in the American Civil War
# garnettrobertseldon
Autograph Letter Signed 1849 03 23 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1849 03 23 pg2
Autograph Note Signed 1858 08 08
Signature & Rank from a letter
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 05 14 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 05 14 pg2
Letter Signed 1861 05 27
GARRARD, KENNER (1827-79) Union Brigadier General – Kentucky; Colonel of the 146th New York Infantry
# garrardkenner
Document Signed 1863 11 20
Document Signed portion 1863 12 01
GARRARD, THEOPHILUS TOULMIN (1812-1902) Union Brigadier General – Kentucky; Veteran of the Mexican War
# garrardtheophilustoulmin
Signature & Rank
GARRISON, WILLIAM LLOYD (1805-79) American Journalist & Abolitionist; Founder of the Abolitionist Newspaper, “The Liberator”
# garrisonwilliamlloyd
Autograph Letter Signed 1860 07 05
Autograph Quotation Signed 1862 05 20
Autograph Quotation Signed 1865 03 07
Autograph Quotation Signed 1873 01 15
Autograph Quotation Signed 1875 11 23
Signed Card 1876
Signed Card 1877
GARROTT, ISHAM WARREN (1816-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama; Killed-in-Action during the siege of Vicksburg – June 17, 1863
# garrottishamwarren
Endorsement Signed as Confederate Colonel
Endorsement Signed
GARTRELL, LUCIUS JEREMIAH (1821-91) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1862-64; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1857-61
# gartrellluciusjeremiah
Signature from a letter as US Congressman 1858 12 09
GARVEY, DAN EDWARD (1886-1974) Governor of Arizona – 1948-51; Arizona Secretary of State – 1942-48
# 7766
Signature with official seal
GARVEY, MARCUS MOSIAH, SR. (1887-1940) Jamaican Black Nationalist, Pan-Africanist, Political Activist, and Publisher
# garveymarcumosiahsr
Typed Letter Signed 1933 06 09
Typed Letter Signed no date
GARY, ELBERT HENRY (1846-1927) Key Founder of U.S. Steel Corporation; Namesake of Gary, Indiana and Gary, West Virginia
# garyelberthenry
GARY, MARTIN WITHERSPOON (1831-81) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina
# garymartinwitherspoon
GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. (1810-65) English Novelist
# gaskellelizabethc
Signature from a letter
GASSENDI, PIERRE (1592-1655) French Philosopher, Catholic Priest, Astronomer, and Mathematician
# gassendip
Autograph Letter Signed no date
Autograph Letter Signed no date
GATES, ELIJAH (1827-1915) Confederate Colonel – 1st Missouri Cavalry; U.S. Marshal – Western District of Missouri; Missouri State Treasurer-1877-81
# gateselijah
Signed Card with rank
GATES, HORATIO (1727-1806) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army
# gateshoratio
Document Signed 1776 10 30
Autograph Letter Signed 1778 03 07
Document Signed 1779 05 12
Autograph Letter Signed 1780 08 25
Autograph Document Signed 1793 03 25
Autograph Letter Signed 1799 08 09
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
GATES, THEODORE B. (1825-1911) Union Brevet Brigadier General – New York – Union Colonel – 80th New York Volunteer Infantry
# gatestheodoreb
Letter Signed 1862 10 09 pg1
Letter Signed 1862 10 09 pg2
Letter Signed 1862 10 09 reverse with John F Reynolds, Abner Doubleday, Seth Williams, William F Rogers
GATLIN, RICHARD CASWELL (1809-96) Confederate Brigadier General
# gatlinrichardcaswell
Letter Signed 1861 09 22 pg1
Letter Signed 1861 09 22 pg2
Signature & Address
GATLING, RICHARD J. (1818-1903) American Inventor of the Gatling Gun
# gatlingrichardj
Signed Card
Signed Card 1892 04 11
Autograph Quotation Signed 1894 11 13
GAVIN, JAMES (1830-73) Union Colonel – 7th, 76th, 104th, and 134th Indiana Infantries
# gavinjames
Document Signed 1862 07 27
GAYLE, JOHN (1792-1859) Governor of Alabama – 1831-35; U.S. Congressman – Alabama – 1847-49