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GAGE, THOMAS (1718/19-1787) English General; Commander of British Forces in North America – 1763-75; Governor of Massachusetts Bay Province – 1774-75; Military Governor of Quebec - 1760-63

# gagethomas

GAILLARD, PETER CHEVES (CHARLES) (1812-89) Confederate Colonel – 27th South Carolina Infantry

# gaillardpetercheves

GAINES, EDMUND PENDLETON (1777-1849) U.S. Army Officer - War of 1812, Seminole Indian Wars & the Mexican War; Brevet Major General for gallantry at the Battle of Fort Erie, August 15, 1814; Namesake of cities in Florida, Georgia, Texas, New York

# gainesedmundpendleton

GALLOWAY, ANDREW JACKSON (1814-1903) Prominent Civil Engineer & Real Estate Investor in Chicago, Illinois; Known for work on the Illinois & Michigan Canal and the Illinois Central Railroad

# gallowayandrewjackson

GAMBLE, WILLIAM (1818-66) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 8th Illinois Cavalry

# gamblewilliam

GANDHI, MOHANDAS K., MAHATMA GANDHI (1869-1948) Indian Lawyer & Anti-Colonial Nationalist

# gandhimohandask

GANTT, EDWARD W. (1829-74) Confederate Brigadier General of Arkansas Militia; Confederate Colonel – 12th Arkansas Infantry

# ganttedwardw

GARBO, GRETA (1905-90) Swedish-born Actress

# garbogreta

GARDNER, ALAN HYDE, 2nd BARON GARDNER (1770-1815) British Navy Admiral

# gardneralanhydebaron

GARDNER, ALAN, 1st BARON GARDNER (1742-1809) British Royal Navy Officer, promoted to the rank of Admiral in 1795; Member of Parliament – 1790-1806

# gardneralanbaron

GARDNER, CHARLES KITCHELL (1787-1869) U.S. Assistant Postmaster General - 1829-37; Served in the War of 1812

# gardnercharleskitchell

GARDNER, FRANKLIN KITCHELL (1823-73) Confederate Major General

# gardnerfranklinkitchell

GARDNER, HENRY (1730-82) American Revolutionary-Era Politician

# gardnerhenry

GARDNER, MILLS (1830-1910) U.S. Congressman - Ohio - 1877-79

# gardnermills

GARFIELD, JAMES ABRAMS (1831-81) Twentieth U.S. President – 1881, Assassinated by Charles Guiteau; Union Civil War Major General – Ohio; U.S Representative – Ohio – 1863-80

# garfieldjamesabrams

GARLAND, AUGUSTUS HILL (1832-99) Confederate Representative & Senator – Arkansas – 1862-65; U.S. Attorney General – 1885-89; Governor of Arkansas – 1874-77; U.S. Senator – Arkansas – 1877-85

# garlandaugustushill

GARLAND, HAMLIN H. (1860-1940) American Novelist & Poet; Awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Biography - 1922

# garlandhamlinh

GARLAND, JAMES (1791-1885) U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1835-41

# garlandjames

GARLAND, RUFUS KING, JR. (1830-86) Confederate Officer – 4th Arkansas Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Arkansas – 1864-65

# garlandrufuskingjr

GARNETT, MUSCOE RUSSELL HUNTER (1821-64) Confederate Congressman – 1862-64; Delegate to the Virginia Secession & Constitutional Conventions of 1861; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1856-61

# garnettmuscorussellhunter
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