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FRENCH, WILLIAM HENRY (1815-81) Union Major General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# frenchwilliamhenry

FREUD, SIGMUND (1856-1939) Austrian Neurologist, the founder of Psychoanalysis

# freudsigmund

FREW, CALVIN HAMILL (1836-1919) Early Settler of Paxton, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Legislature in 1868; Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

# frewcalvinhamill

FRITCHIE, BARBARA (1766-1862) Civil War-Era Resident of Frederick, Maryland – poetically immortalized by John Greenleaf Whittier in the October 1863 edition of The Atlantic Monthly

# fritchiebarbara

FRITSCH, WERNER VON (1880-1939) Member of the High Command in Nazi Germany; Killed during the Siege of Warsaw, Poland on September 22, 1939

# fritschwernervon

FROST, DANIEL MARSH (1823-1900) Confederate Brigadier General - Missouri

# frostdanielmarsh

FRY, BIRKETT DAVENPORT (1822-91) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama

# frybirkettdavenport

FRY, JAMES BARNET (1827-94) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# fryjamesbarnet

FRY, SPEED SMITH (1817-92) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Kentucky Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# fryspeedsmith

FULKERSON, SAMUEL V. (1822-62) Confederate Colonel – 37th Virginia Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Gaines Mill – June 26, 1862

# fulkersonsamuelv

FULLER, BENONI S. (1825-1903) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1875-79

# fullerbenonis

FULLER, JOHN WALLACE (1827-91) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 27th Ohio Infantry

# fullerjohnwallace

FULLER, MELVILLE W. (1833-1910) Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1888-1910

# fullermelvillew

FULLER, THOMAS CHARLES (1832-1901) Confederate Soldier – 1st North Carolina Infantry; Confederate Congressman – North Carolina – 1864-65

# fullerthomascharles

FULLER, THOMAS JAMES DUNCAN (1808-76) U.S. Representative – Maine – 1849-57

# fullerthomasjamesduncan

FULLERTON, JOSEPH SCOTT (1835-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant in the 2nd Missouri Infantry; Served on the staff of Union General Gordon Granger

# fullertonjosephscott

FULLERTON, WILLIAM, JR. (1854-88) American-born Composer

# fullertonwilliamjr

FULTON, ROBERT (1765-1815) American Inventor of the Steamboat

# fultonrobert

FUNSTEN, DAVID (1819-66) Confederate Colonel – 11th Virginia Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1863-65

# funstendavid

FUQUA, HENRY LUSE, SR. (1865-1926) Governor of Louisiana -1924-26

# fuquahenryluse
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