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FINEGAN, JOSEPH (1814-85) Confederate Brigadier General - Florida

# fineganjoseph

FINLEY, JESSE JOHNSON (1812-1904) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Florida – 1876-77, 1879, and 1881-82; Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee - 1845

# finleyjessejohnson

FISH, ELIZABETH STUYVESANT (?-?) Mother of New York Politician Hamilton Fish; Direct descendant of Peter Stuyvesant, a founder of New Amsterdam

# fishelizabethstuyvesant

FISH, HAMILTON (1808-93) U.S. Secretary of State - 1869-77; U.S. Representative - New York – 1843-45; Governor of New York - 1849-50; U.S. Senator – New York - 1851-57

# fishh

FISHER, CHARLES (1820-88) Druggist & Merchant, opened The Cash-Drug Store in Peoria, Illinois - 1854

# fishercharles

FISK, CLINTON BOWEN (1828-90) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 33rd Missouri Infantry; Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for Kentucky & Tennessee; Prohibition Party Candidate for U.S. President – 1888; Namesake of Fisk University

# fiskclintonbowen

FITCH, THOMAS D. (1829-1901) Union Surgeon – 42nd Illinois Infantry, the unit being heavily engaged at the Battles of Stones River & Chickamauga; Noted Chicago, Illinois Physician after the American Civil War

# fitchthomasd

FITZCLARENCE, GEORGE, 1ST EARL OF MUNSTER (1794-1842) English Soldier; Illegitimate Son of King William IV of the United Kingdom

# fitzclarencegeorge

FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT (1896-1940) American Writer

# fitzgeraldfscott


# fitzwilliamwilliamwentworth

FLAGLER, HENRY MORRISON (1830-1913) American Industrialist; A founder of Standard Oil Company; Founder of the Florida East Coast Railway; Instrumental in the development of Florida

# flaglerhenrymorrison

FLOYD, JOHN BUCHANAN (1806-63) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia; U.S. Secretary of War – 1857-60; Governor of Virginia – 1849-52

# floydjohnbuchanan

FLYNN, ERROL (1909-59) Australian-born American Actor

# flynnerrol

FOCH, FERDINAND (1851-1929) French General; Supreme Allied Commander during World War I

# fochferdinand

FOLARD, JEAN CHARLES, CHEVALIER DE (1669-1752) French Soldier & Military Author

# folardjeancharles

FOLGER, CHARLES JAMES (1818-84) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1881-84

# folgercharlesjames

FONDA, JOHN GILES (1822-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel - 118th Illinois Infantry

# fondajohngiles

FOOT, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS (1780-1846) Governor of Connecticut – 1834-35; U.S. Representative – Connecticut – 1819-21, 1823-25, 1833-34; U.S. Senator – Connecticut - 1827-33

# footsamuelaugustus

FOOT, SOLOMON (1802-66) U.S. Senator – Vermont – 1851-66; U.S. Representative – Vermont – 1843-47

# footsolomon

FOOTE, ANDREW HULL (1806-63) Union Rear Admiral

# footeandrewhull
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