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EWING, HUGH BOYLE (1826-1905) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 30th Ohio Infantry

# ewinghughboyle

EWING, PRESLEY UNDERWOOD (1822-54) U.S. Representative - Kentucky – 1851-54

# ewingpu

EWING, THOMAS, JR. (1829-96) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 11th Kansas Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1877-81; Personal Secretary to President Zachary Taylor

# ewingthomasjr

EWING, THOMAS, SR. (1789-1871) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1841; U.S. Secretary of the Interior – 1849-50; U.S. Senator – Ohio – 1831-37 & 1850-51; Adopted father of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman

# ewingthomassr

FAGAN, JAMES FLEMING (1828-93) Confederate Major General - Arkansas

# faganjamesfleming

FAIRCHILD, LUCIUS (1831-96) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Wisconsin Infantry; Governor of Wisconsin – 1866-72

# fairchildlucius

FALCONER, KINLOCH (1838-78) Confederate Major & Assistant Adjutant General; Staff Officer to Confederate Generals John B. Villepigue, Joseph Johnston, and Braxton Bragg

# falconerkinloch

FANNIN, JAMES WALKER, JR. (1804/1805 - 1836) Military Leader in the Texas Revolution – 1835-36; Executed, along with most of his command, by Santa Anna – March 27, 1836

# fanninjameswalkerjr

FARADAY, MICHAEL (1791-1867) English Scientist

# faradaymichael

FARGO, WILLIAM G. (1818-81) Founder of the American Express Company; Mayor of Buffalo, New York – 1862-66

# fargowilliamg

FARLEY, JAMES THOMPSON (1829-86) U.S. Senator – California – 1879-85

# farleyjamesthompson

FARNON, ROBERT JOSEPH (1917-2005) Canadian-born Composer, Conductor, Musical Arranger, and Trumpet Player

# farnonrobertjoseph

FARNSWORTH, ELON JOHN (1837-63) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 3, 1863

# farnsworthelonjohn

FARNSWORTH, JOHN FRANKLIN (1820-97) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1857-61 & 1863-73

# farnsworthjohnfranklin

FARNSWORTH, JOHN GOSMAN (1832-95) Union Colonel – New York

# farnsworthjohngosman

FARRAGUT, DAVID GLASGOW (1801-70) Union Rear Admiral; U.S. Navy Admiral; Veteran of the War of 1812 & the Mexican War

# farragutdavidglasgow

FARROW, JAMES HAMILTON (1827-92) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1862-65

# farrowjameshamilton

FARWELL, WILLIAM WASHINGTON (1817-94) Prominent Attorney & Judge in Chicago, Illinois

# farwellwilliamwashington

FAUNTLEROY, THOMAS TURNER (1796-1883) Confederate Brigadier General of Virginia Militia

# fauntleroythomasturner

FAUSTIN I, SOULOUQUE (1782-1867) President of Haiti - 1847-49; Emperor of Haiti - 1849-59

# faustinI
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