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ETTER, SAMUEL M. (?-?) Prominent Resident of Bloomington, Illinois; Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Illinois – 1875-79

# ettersamuelm

EULER, LEONHARD (1707-83) Swiss Mathematician, Physicist, and Astronomer

# eulerleonhard

EUSTIS, GEORGE (1860-1927) Prominent City Official in Birmingham, Alabama

# eustisgeorge

EUSTIS, HENRY LAWRENCE (1819-85) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 10th Massachusetts Infantry

# eustishenrylawrence

EUSTIS, WILLIAM (1753-1825) Military Surgeon during the American Revolutionary War; U.S. Secretary of War – 1809-13; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1801-05 & 1820-23; Governor of Massachusetts – 1823-25

# eustiswilliam

EVANS, CLEMENT ANSELM (1833-1911) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# evansclementanselm

EVANS, ISAAC NEWTON (1827-1901) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1877-79 & 1883-87

# evansisaacnewton

EVANS, JAMES LA FAYETTE (1825-1903) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1875-79

# evansjamesl

EVANS, JOHN GARY (1863-1942) Governor of South Carolina – 1894-97; U.S. Army Officer during the Spanish-American War

# evansjohngary

EVANS, NATHAN GEORGE “SHANKS” (1824-68) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# evansnathangeorge

EVERETT, EDWARD (1794-1865) U.S. Secretary of State – 1852-53; Governor of Massachusetts – 1836-40; U.S Senator - Massachusetts

# everettedward

EVERTS, WILLIAM WALLACE (1814-90) Prominent Clergyman in Chicago, Illinois

# evertswilliamwallace

EWELL, RICHARD STODDERT (1817-72) Confederate Lieutenant General

# ewellrichardstoddert

EWEN, JOHN (1810-77) Brigadier General of New York State Militia

# ewenjohn

EWING, CHARLES (1835-83) Union Brigadier General

# ewingcharles

EWING, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1808-88) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1861-65

# ewinggeorgewashington

EWING, HUGH BOYLE (1826-1905) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 30th Ohio Infantry

# ewinghughboyle

EWING, PRESLEY UNDERWOOD (1822-54) U.S. Representative - Kentucky – 1851-54

# ewingpu

EWING, THOMAS, JR. (1829-96) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 11th Kansas Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1877-81; Personal Secretary to President Zachary Taylor

# ewingthomasjr

EWING, THOMAS, SR. (1789-1871) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1841; U.S. Secretary of the Interior – 1849-50; U.S. Senator – Ohio – 1831-37 & 1850-51; Adopted father of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman

# ewingthomassr
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