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EDWARDS, OLIVER (1835-1904) Union Brigadier General

# edwardsoliver

EDWARDS, RICHARD (1822-1908) Welsh-Born Educator in Bloomington, Illinois; President of Illinois State University, then known as Illinois State Normal University - 1862-76

# edwardsrichard

EGAN, THOMAS WILBERFORCE (1836-87) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 40th New York Infantry, the Mozart Regiment

# eganthomaswilberforce

EGERTON, FRANCIS, DUKE OF BRIDGEWATER (1736-1803) British Nobleman; 3rd Duke of Bridgewater

# egertonfrancis

EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879-1955) German-born Theoretical Physicist; Acknowledged for developing the Theory of Relativity

# einsteinalbert

EINSTEIN, ELSA (1876-1936) Second Wife of Albert Einstein

# ensteinelsa

EINSTEIN, MORRIS (1826-1916) German-Born Jewish Businessman & Clothing Merchant in Chicago, Illinois

# einsteinmorris

EISENHOWER, DWIGHT DAVID “IKE” (1890-1969) 34th U.S. President – 1953-61; U.S. Army General & Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War II

# eisenhowerdwightdavid

EKIN, JAMES ADAMS (1819-91) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Member of the Military Commission which tried the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators

# ekinjamesadams

ELIZABETH (1709-62) Empress of Russia - 1741-62

# elizabethIofrussia

ELIZABETH I (1533-1603) Queen of England - 1558-1603

# elizabethI

ELIZABETH OF YORK (1466-1503) Queen Consort of England – 1486-1503; Wife of King Henry VII & Mother of King Henry VIII

# elizabethofyork

ELIZABETH, MARCHIONESS OF STAFFORD (1765-1839) Duchess-Countess of Sutherland

# elizabethmarchionessofstafford

ELLERY, FRANK (1794-1871) U.S. Navy Officer; Commander of the USS Rendezvous during the American Civil War

# elleryfrank

ELLERY, WILLIAM (1727-1820) Signer of the Declaration of independence

# ellerywilliam

ELLET, ALFRED WASHINGTON (1820-95) Union Brigadier General; Commander of the U.S. Ram Fleet & the Mississippi Marine Brigade

# elletalfredwashington

ELLINGTON, EDWARD KENNEDY “DUKE” (1899-1974) American Composer & Jazz Orchestra Leader

# ellingtonduke

ELLIOTT, JOHN MILTON (1820-79) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1853-57

# elliottjohnmilton

ELLIOTT, STEPHEN, JR. (1830-66) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# elliottstephenjr

ELLIOTT, WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE (1825-88) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# elliottwashingtonlafayette
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