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DONELSON, ANDREW JACKSON (1799-1871) U.S. Diplomat; Candidate for U.S. Vice President – 1856; Nephew, Aide-de-Camp, and Private Secretary to Andrew Jackson

# donelsonaj

DONELSON, DANIEL SMITH (1801-63) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee

# donelsondanielsmith

DONKIN, RUFANE SHAWE (1772-1841) British Lieutenant General; Served in the French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars; Member of Parliament – 1832-37 & 1839-41

# donkinrufaneshawe

DONNELL, FORREST C. (1884-1980) Governor of Missouri – 1941-45; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1945-51

# donnellforrestc

DOOLITTLE, CHARLES CAMP (1832-1903) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 18th Michigan Infantry

# doolittlecharlescamp

DOOLITTLE, JAMES ROOD (1815-97) U.S. Senator – Wisconsin – 1857-69

# doolittlejamesrood

DORAT, CLAUDE JOSEPH (1734-80) French Writer

# doratclaudejoseph

DORE, GUSTAVE (1832-83) French Illustrator

# doregustave

DORE, JOHN CLARK (1822-1900) Elected Superintendent of Public Schools in Chicago, Illinois - 1854; Elected President of the Chicago Board of Trade - 1866; Illinois State Senator – 1868-72

# dorejohnclark

DORR, THOMAS WILSON (1805-54) American Politician & Reformer, best known for leading the Dorr Rebellion; Governor of Rhode Island – 1842-43

# dorrthomaswilson

DORSEY, STEPHEN WALLACE (1842-1916) Union Captain – 1st Ohio Light Artillery; U.S. Senator – Arkansas – 1873-79

# dorseystephenwallace

DORTCH, WILLIAM THEOPHILUS (1824-89) Confederate Senator - North Carolina – 1862-65; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 6th North Carolina Infantry - 1861

# dortchwilliamtheophilus

DORVAL, MARIE (1798-1849) French Actress

# dorvalmarie

DOSTOEVSKY, FYODOR (1821-81) Russian Novelist, Philosopher, Essayist, and Journalist

# dostoevskyfyodor

DOUBLEDAY, ABNER (1819-93) Union Major General – New York; Popularly credited with inventing the game of Baseball

# doubledayabner

DOUGLAS, STEPHEN ARNOLD (1813-61) U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1860; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1847-61; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1843-47; Remembered for the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858

# douglasstephenarnold

DOUGLASS, FREDERICK (1817-95) American Social Reformer, Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, and Statesman

# douglassfrederick

DOW, NEAL (1804-97) Union Brigadier General – Maine; Colonel of the 13th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Wounded and Captured during the Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana on June 30, 1863

# downeal

DOW, SAMUEL KNIGHT (1828-1903) Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1872

# dowsamuelknight

DOWDELL, JAMES FERGUSON (1818-71) U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1853-59; President of East Alabama College – now known as Auburn University – 1868-70

# dowdelljamesferguson
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