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ALTMAN, BENJAMIN (1840-1913) New York City Department Store Owner & Art Collector

# altmanb

ALVORD, BENJAMIN (1813-84) Union Brigadier General; Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – 1833; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars

# alvordbenjamin

AMBLER, JACOB A. (1829-1906) U.S. Congressman - Ohio - 1869-73

# amblerja

AMBOISE, GEORGES d' (1460-1510) French Roman Catholic Cardinal & Minister of State

# amboiseg

AMDAHL, BJARNE F. (1903-68) Norwegian Pianist, Composer, and Orchestra Conductor

# amdahlbf


# americanexpress

AMES, ADELBERT (1835-1933) Union Brigadier General – Maine; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1870-74; Governor of Mississippi – 1868-70 & 1874-76

# amesa

AMES, MARY CLEMMER/MRS. EDMUND HUDSON (1839-84) American Author & Journalist – Known for Her “Woman’s Letter from Washington”

# clemmermaryclemmer

AMES, MINER THOMAS (1839-90) Prominent Businessman in Chicago, Illinois; Buried in Graceland Cemetery

# amesminerthomas

AMHERST, JEFFERY (1717-97) British Army Field Marshal; Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in North America – 1758-63 - during the Seven Years' War

# amherstj

AMHERST, WILLIAM PITT, 1ST EARL AMHERST (1773-1857) British Diplomat; Governor-General of India – 1823-28

# amherstwilliampitt

AMMEN, DANIEL (1820-98) U.S. Rear Admiral; Union Naval Officer

# ammend

AMMEN, JACOB (1806-94) Union Brigadier General

# ammenjacob

AMPERE, ANDRE-MARIE (1775-1836) French Physicist, founded and named the science of Electrodynamics

# ampeream

AMYOT, JACQUES (1513-93), French Renaissance Writer & Translator

# amyotj

ANCONA, SYDENHAM ELNATHAN (1824-1913) U.S. Representative - Pennsylvania – 1861-67

# anconasydenhamelnathan

ANCRUM, JOHN LAWRENCE (1839-1900) Confederate Navy Surgeon

# ancrumjohnlawrence

ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-75) Danish Author

# andersenhc

ANDERSON, GEORGE BURGWYN (1831-62) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Sharpsburg

# andersongeorgeburgwyn

ANDERSON, GEORGE THOMAS “TIGE” (1824-1901) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# andersongeorgethomas
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