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DEANE, CHARLES HENRY (1827-82) Union Brevet Lieutenant Colonel – 86th Illinois Infantry, heavily engaged at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia – June 27, 1864; Prominent citizen and businessman in Peoria, Illinois after the Civil War

# deanecharleshenry

DEARING, JAMES (1840-65) Confederate Brigadier General; Mortally wounded during the Appomattox Campaign - April 6, 1865

# dearingjames

DEAS, GEORGE (1816-70) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel; Assistant Confederate Secretary of War; U.S. Army Officer, served on the staff of General John Wool during the Mexican War

# deasgeorge

DEAS, ZACHARIAH CANTEY (1819-82) Confederate Brigadier General - Alabama

# deaszachariahcantey

DEBERRY, EDMUND (1787-1859) U.S. Representative – North Carolina – 1829-31, 1833-45, and 1849-51

# deberryedmund

DEBRAY, XAVIER BLANCHARD (1818-95) Confederate Brigadier General

# debrayxavierblanchard

DEBS, EUGENE VICTOR (1855-1926) American Socialist, Political Activist, and Trade Unionist; A founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World; Five-time Socialist Party Candidate for U.S. President

# debseugenevictor

* Image courtesy and by permission of the Eugene V. Debs Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana.

DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918) French Composer

# debussyc

DECATUR, STEPHEN (1779-1820) U.S. Navy Commodore – Barbary Wars & The War of 1812; Killed in a duel with Commodore James Barron – March 22, 1820; Namesake of numerous cities & counties in Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Tennessee & Texas

# decaturstephen

DeCLOUET, ALEXANDER ETIENNE, SR. (1812-90) Confederate Congressman – Louisiana – 1861-62

# declouetalexanderetiennesr

DEE, JOHN (1527-1608 or 1609) English Mathematician, Astronomer, and Astrologer; Advisor & court astronomer to Elizabeth I

# deejohn

DEERE, JOHN (1804-86) American Inventor & Businessman; Founder of Deere & Company; Invented the first commercially successful steel plow in 1837

# deerejohn

DEERING, NATHANIEL C. (1827-87) U.S. Congressman – Iowa – 1877-83

# deeringnathanielc

DEFOE, DANIEL (1660-1731) English Writer, Journalist, and Pamphleteer

# defoedaniel

DEITZLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1826-84) Union Brigadier General, afterward Major General of Kansas Militia; Elected Mayor of Lawrence, Kansas - 1860

# deitzlergeorgewashington

DeJARNETTE, DANIEL COLEMAN, SR. (1822-81) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1859-61

# dejarnettedanielcolemansr

DeKAY, JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE (1836-86) Union Staff Officer

# dekayjosephrodmandrake

DELAFIELD, RICHARD (1798-1873) U.S. Brigadier General; Union Brevet Major General; Superintendent of the United States Military Academy – 1838-45 & 1856-61

# delafieldrichard

DEMMOND, MARTIN HAWLEY (1803-54) Prominent Merchant & Early Real Estate Investor in Joliet, Illinois

# demmondmh

DENISON, DUDLEY CHASE (1819-1905) U.S. Congressman – Vermont – 1875-79

# denisondudleychase
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