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DAVIS, WILLIAM GEORGE MACKEY (1812-98) Confederate Brigadier General

# daviswilliamgeorgemackey

DAVIS, WILLIAM HOPE (1835-?) Prominent Physician in Springfield, Illinois

# daviswilliamhope

DAVIS, WILLIAM WATTS HART (1820-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General – Raised & organized the 104th Pennsylvania Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# daviswilliamwattshart

DAVIS, ZIMMERMAN (1834-1910) Confederate Colonel – 5th South Carolina Cavalry

# daviszimmerman

DAVY, HUMPHREY (1778-1829) British Chemist & Inventor

# davyhumphrey

DAWES, HENRY L. (1816-1903) U.S. Congressman & Senator - Massachusetts - 1857-93; Commission Chairman for the Five Civilized Tribes - Indian Territory – 1893-1903

# daweshenryl

DAY, HENRY MARTYN (1827-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 91st Illinois Infantry

# dayhenrymartyn

DAY, WILLIAM R. (1849-1923) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1903-22; U.S. Secretary of State - 1898

# daywilliamr

DE LA CHAISE, FRANCOIS (1624-1709) French Jesuit Priest, the father confessor of King Louis XIV of France

# delachaisefrancois

DE LA MARE, WALTER (1873-1956) English Poet, Short Story Writer, and Novelist

# walterdelamare

DE LAGNEL, JULIUS ADOLPHUS (1827-1912) Confederate Brigadier General

# delagneljuliusadolphus

DE LEON, EDWIN (1818-91) Confederate Diplomat, Writer, and Journalist

# deleonedwin

DE RIDDER, SIMON (1765-1832) Major General of New York State Militia; Served in the War of 1812; Resident of Washington County, New York

# deriddersimon

DE RUSSY, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS (1818-91) Union Brigadier General – New York; Veteran of the Mexican War

# derussygustavusadolphus

DE SAUSSURE, WILMOT GIBBS (1822-86) Confederate Brigadier General of South Carolina Militia

# desaussurewilmotgibbs

DE TROBRIAND, PHILIPPE REGIS DE KEREDERN (1816-97) Union Brigadier General

# detrobriandphilipperegisdekeredern

DEAN, EZRA (1795-1872) War of 1812 - Served in the 11th U.S. Infantry - Commissioned Lieutenant for meritorious conduct at the sortie of Fort Erie; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1841-45

# deanezra

DEANE, CHARLES HENRY (1827-82) Union Brevet Lieutenant Colonel – 86th Illinois Infantry, heavily engaged at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia – June 27, 1864; Prominent citizen and businessman in Peoria, Illinois after the Civil War

# deanecharleshenry

DEARING, JAMES (1840-65) Confederate Brigadier General; Mortally wounded during the Appomattox Campaign - April 6, 1865

# dearingjames

DEAS, GEORGE (1816-70) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel; Assistant Confederate Secretary of War; U.S. Army Officer, served on the staff of General John Wool during the Mexican War

# deasgeorge
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