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DANDY, GEORGE BROWN (1830-1911) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 100th New York Infantry; Veteran of the antebellum western Indian Wars

# dandygeorgebrown

* With Generals Alfred H. Terry, Edward Worthington Smith

DANE, NATHAN (1752-1835) Delegate to the Second Continental Congress – Massachusetts – 1785-88

# danenathan

DANIELS, JOSEPHUS (1862-1948) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1913-21; American Diplomat and Newspaper Editor

# danielsjosephus

DARROW, CLARENCE S. (1857-1938) American Attorney, most remembered for his role as defense attorney in the “Scopes Monkey Trial”

# darrowclarences

DARWIN, CHARLES (1809-82) English Naturalist, Geologist, and Biologist; Proponent of the Theory of Evolution

# darwincals

DAVENPORT, BAILEY (1823-90) Early Settler & Wealthy Landowner in Rock Island, Illinois; Mayor of Rock Island, Illinois – 1861-66, 1873-74, and 1875-76; Son of Colonel George Davenport

# davenportbailey

DAVENPORT, GEORGE (1783-1845) English-Born American Explorer, Frontiersman, and Indian Trader; U.S. Army Soldier, served in the War of 1812

# davenportgeorge

Early settler of the Iowa Territory and Rock Island, Illinois; Namesake of Davenport, Iowa, part of the present-day “Quad Cities”; Murdered at his home in Rock Island, Illinois by members of a Midwestern ruffian gang, the “Banditti of the Prairie,” on July 4, 1845

DAVIDSON, HENRY BREVARD (1831-99) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee

# davidsonhenrybrevard

DAVIDSON, JOHN WYNN (1825-81) Union Brigadier General; Post-war Lieutenant Colonel of the 10th U.S. Cavalry, known as the Buffalo Soldiers; Veteran of the Mexican War

# davidsonjohnwynn

DAVIE, WILLIAM RICHARDSON (1756-1820) American Revolutionary War, Colonel of North Carolina Militia; Governor of North Carolina – 1798-99; Founder of the University of North Carolina

# daviewilliamrichardson

DAVIES, HENRY EUGENE (1836-94) Union Major General – New York

# davieshenryeugene

DAVIES, THOMAS ALFRED (1809-99) Union Brigadier General

# daviesthomasalfred

DAVIS, DAVID (1815-86) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1862-77 – Appointed by Abraham Lincoln; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1877-83

# davisdavid

DAVIS, EDMUND JACKSON (1827-83) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Texas – 1870-74

# davisedmundjackson

DAVIS, GARRETT (1801-72) U.S. Senator – Kentucky – 1861-72; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1839-47

# davisgarrett

DAVIS, GEORGE (1820-96) Confederate Senator – North Carolina – 1862-64; Confederate Attorney General – 1864-65

# davisgeorge

DAVIS, JAMES HOUSTON “JIMMIE” (1899-2000) Governor of Louisiana – 1944-48 & 1960-64; Singer & Songwriter, known for “You Are My Sunshine”

# davisjameshouston

DAVIS, JEFFERSON C. (1828-79) Union Brigadier General – Indiana; Killed Union General William Nelson in a Louisville hotel – September 29, 1862

# davisjeffersonc

DAVIS, JEFFERSON F. (1808-89) Confederate President – 1861-65; U.S. Secretary of War – 1853-57; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1847-51 & 1857-61; Colonel of the First Mississippi Volunteers during the Mexican War

# davisjf

DAVIS, REUBEN (1813-90) Confederate Brigadier General of Mississippi State Troops; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1857-61

# davisreuben
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