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CUSTER, ELIZABETH BACON (1842-1933) Wife of 7th Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer; Author of Numerous Books on Her Husband and the American West

# custerelizabethbacon

CUSTER, GEORGE ARMSTRONG (1839-76) Union Major General of Cavalry – Michigan; Lieutenant Colonel – 7th U.S. Cavalry – Killed-in-Action at Little Big Horn

# custergeorgea

CUSTER, THOMAS W. (1845-76) U.S. Army Officer; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for service during the American Civil War; Younger brother of George Armstrong Custer, in whose command he was killed-in-action at the Battle of Little Big Hor

# custerthomasw

CUSTIS, GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE (1781-1857) American Author; Grandson of Martha Washington; Father-in-Law of Robert E. Lee; Owner of Arlington House

# custisgeorgewashingtonparke

CUTLER, AUGUSTUS W. (1827-97) U.S. Congressman – New Jersey – 1875-79

# cutleraugustusw

CUTLER, LYSANDER (1807-66) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, part of the “Iron Brigade”

# cutlerlysander

D'ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE, PRINCE OF MONTENEVOSO (1863-1938) Italian Poet, Orator, Journalist, Politician, and Army Officer during World War I

# dannunziogabriele

DACIER, ANNE LE FEVRE (1651-1720) French Scholar, Translator, and Editor

# dacierannelefevre

DADE, FRANCIS L. (ca.1793-1835) U.S. Army Officer; Ambushed and killed during the Second Seminole War near present-day Ocala, Florida, in what came to be known as the "Dade Massacre"

# dadefrancisl

DAGGETT, AARON SIMON (1837-1938) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Promoted to the rank of brigadier general in 1901

# daggettaaronsimon

DAGUERRE, LOUIS (1787-1851) French Artist & Photographer, recognized for his invention of the Daguerreotype

# daguerrelouis

DAHLGREN, JOHN ADOLPH (1809-70) Union Rear Admiral - Pennsylvania

# dahlgrenjohnadolph

DAHLGREN, MADELEINE VINTON (1825-98) American Writer, Translator, and Anti-Suffragist; Married U.S. Admiral John A Dahlgren in 1865

# dahlgrenmadeleinevinton

DALE, RICHARD (1756-1826) American Revolutionary War, Officer in the Continental Navy; U.S. Navy Commodore – First Barbary War

# dalerichard

DALLAS, ALEXANDER J. (1759-1817) U.S. Treasury Secretary - 1814-16; Acting U.S. Secretary of War - 1815

# dallasalexanderj

DALLAS, GEORGE M. (1792-1864) U.S. Vice President – 1845-49; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1831-33; Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 1828-29; Namesake of Dallas Counties in Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, and Texas

# dallasgeorgem

DALTON, TRISTRAM (1738-1817) U.S. Senator - Massachusetts - 1789-91; Close friend of George Washington

# daltontristram

DANA, AMASA (1792-1867) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-45

# danaamasa

DANA, CHARLES A. (1819-97) Assistant U.S. Secretary of War – 1864-65; Publisher & Editor of the “New York Sun”

# danacharlesa

DANA, NAPOLEON JACKSON TECUMSEH (1822-1905) Union Major General; Saw action from Ball’s Bluff to Antietam; Veteran of the Mexican War

# dananapoleonjacksontecumseh
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