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CRUFT, CHARLES (1826-83) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 31st Indiana Infantry; President of the St. Louis, Alton, and Terre Haute Railroad – 1855-58

# cruftcharles

CRUGER, LOUIS (?-?) Comptroller of the Confederate Treasury

# crugerlouis

CRUIKSHANK, MARCUS HENDERSON (1826-81) Confederate Congressman – Alabama – 1864-65; Mayor of Talladega, Alabama - 1850

# cruikshankmarcushenderson

CUDWORTH, WARREN HANDEL (1825-83) Union Chaplain - 1st Massachusetts Infantry; Unitarian Pastor; Authored “History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry),” published in 1866

# cudworthwarrenhandel

CUHL, PETER (1833-89) Prussian-Born Commission Merchant in Cairo, Illinois

# cuhlpeter

CULLUM, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1809-92) Union Brigadier General

# cullumgeorgewashington

CUMMING, ALFRED (1829-1910) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# cummingalfred

CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN (1791-1839) English Botanist & Explorer

# cunninghamallan

CUNNINGHAM, JAMES ADAMS (1830-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# cunninghamjamesadams

CURIE, MARIE (1867-1934) Polish-born French Physicist & Chemist

# curiemarie

CURRAN, JOHN PHILPOT (1750-1817) Irish Politician & Orator; Member of Parliament – 1783-98 & 1800-01; Master of the Rolls in Ireland – 1806-14

# curranjohnphilpot

CURRIER, CHARLES LOYAL (1828-?) Prominent Insurance Executive in Chicago, Illinois; Official in the American Insurance Company

# curriercharlesloyal

CURRY, JABEZ LAMAR MONROE (1825-1903) Confederate Congressman - Alabama – 1861-64; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Alabama 1857-61; Mexican War – Private in the Texas Rangers

# curryjabezlamarmonroe

CURTIN, ANDREW GREGG (1817-94) Governor of Pennsylvania – 1861-67; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1881-87

# curtinandrewgregg

CURTIS, NEWTON MARTIN (1835-1910) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for service at Fort Fisher, North Carolina on January 15, 1865; U.S. Representative – New York – 1895-97

# curtisnewtonmartin

CURTIS, SAMUEL RYAN (1805-66) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1857-61; Veteran of the Mexican War

# curtissamuelryan

CUSTER, BOSTON (1848-76) Brother of George Armstrong & Thomas Custer; Killed at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, June 25, 1876

# custerboston

CUSTER, ELIZABETH BACON (1842-1933) Wife of 7th Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer; Author of Numerous Books on Her Husband and the American West

# custerelizabethbacon

CUSTER, GEORGE ARMSTRONG (1839-76) Union Major General of Cavalry – Michigan; Lieutenant Colonel – 7th U.S. Cavalry – Killed-in-Action at Little Big Horn

# custergeorgea

CUSTER, THOMAS W. (1845-76) U.S. Army Officer; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for service during the American Civil War; Younger brother of George Armstrong Custer, in whose command he was killed-in-action at the Battle of Little Big Hor

# custerthomasw
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