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CORBIN, HENRY CLARK (1842-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant – 83rd & 79th Ohio Infantries; Union Colonel – 14th U.S. Colored Troops; Spanish-American War General

# corbinhenryclark

CORCORAN, MICHAEL (1827-63) Union Brigadier General - New York

# corcoranmichael

CORDAY, CHARLOTTE (1768-93) French Revolution – Assassinated Jacobin Leader Jean-Paul Marat & was executed by guillotine on July 17, 1793

# cordaycharlotte

CORNELL, PAUL (1822-1904) Prominent Attorney, Real Estate Developer, and Insurance Executive in Chicago, Illinois; Founder of Hyde Park & Cornell, early suburbs of Chicago

# cornellpaul

CORNING, ERASTUS (1794-1872) American Industrialist – New York Central Railroad Founder; U.S. Congressman – 1857-59 & 1861-63

# corningerastus

CORNWALLIS, CHARLES (1738-1805) American Revolutionary War, British General; Surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia - October 19, 1781

# cornwallischarles

CORSE, JOHN MURRAY (1835-93) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Iowa Infantry

# corsejohnmurray

CORSE, MONTGOMERY DENT (1816-95) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# corsemontgomerydent

COSBY, GEORGE BLAKE (1830-1909) Confederate Brigadier General - Kentucky

# cosbygeorgeblake

COUCH, DARIUS NASH (1822-97) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# couchdariusnash

COUCH, IRA (1806-57) Notable Businessman in Chicago, Illinois; Opened the Tremont House Hotel in 1836; Burial in Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois; Brother of James Couch

# couchira

COUCH, JAMES (1800-91) Businessman & Proprietor of Tremont House in Chicago, Illinois; Brother of Ira Couch

# couchjames

COULTER, RICHARD, SR. (1827-1908) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# coulterrichardsr

COUZINS, PHOEBE WILSON (1842-1913) Union Nurse; First Female Law Graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri – 1871, afterward active in the Suffrage Movement

# couzinsphoebewilson

COWAN, EDGAR (1815-85 U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1861-67

# cowanedgar

COWDIN, ROBERT (1805-74) Union Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 1st Massachusetts Infantry

# cowdinrobert

COX, JACOB DOLSON, JR. (1828-1900) Union Major General; Governor of Ohio – 1866-68; U.S. Interior Secretary – 1869-70; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1877-79

# coxjacobdolsonjr

COX, SAMUEL SULLIVAN (1824-89) U.S. Representative – Ohio - 1857-65; U.S. Representative – New York – 1869-89; U.S. Minister to Turkey – 1885-86

# coxsamuelsullivan

COX, WILLIAM RUFFIN (1831-1919) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – North Carolina – 1881-87; Secretary of the U.S. Senate – 1893-1900

# coxwilliamruffin

CRAGIN, AARON HARRISON (1821-98) U.S Representative – New Hampshire – 1855-59; U.S Senator – New Hampshire – 1865-77

# craginaaronharrison
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