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COOK, PHILIP (1817-94) Confederate Brigadier General – Georgia; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1873-83

# cookphilip

COOKE, GILES BUCKNER (1838-1937) Confederate Officer, served on the staff of Robert E. Lee

# cookegilesbuckner

COOKE, JOHN ROGERS (1833-91) Confederate Brigadier General; Son of Union General Philip St. George Cooke and the brother-in-law of Confederate Major General Jeb Stuart

# cookejohnrogers

COOKE, PHILIP ST. GEORGE (1809-95) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Black Hawk & Mexican Wars; Father-in-law of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart

# cookephilipstgeorge

COOKE, WILLIAM WINER (1846-76) U.S. Army Officer during the American Civil War & Indian Wars; Served as adjutant for 7th Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and was killed during the Battle of the Little Bighorn – June 25, 1876

# cookewilliamwiner

COOLIDGE, CALVIN (1872-1933) Thirtieth U.S. President - 1923-29; U.S. Vice President – 1921-23; Governor of Massachusetts – 1919-21

# coolidgecalvin

COOLIDGE, GRACE (1879-1957) U.S. First Lady - 1923-29; Wife of U.S. President Calvin Coolidge

# coolidgegrace

COON, DATUS ENSIGN (1831-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 2nd Iowa Cavalry

# coondatusensign

COOPER, ASTLEY PASTON (1768-1841) British Surgeon & Anatomist

# cooperastleypaston

COOPER, DOUGLAS HANCOCK (1815-79) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi; Served in the Mexican War; Federal Indian Agent to the Choctaw & Chickasaw Nations in the 1850s

# cooperdouglashancock

COOPER, JAMES (1810-63) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1849-55; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1830-43

# cooperjames

COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) American Author; Wrote “The Last of the Mohicans” & “The Deerslayer”

# cooperjamesfenimore

COOPER, JOSEPH ALEXANDER (1823-1910) Union Brigadier General

# cooperjosephalexander

COOPER, SAMUEL (1798-1876) Confederate General – Virginia

# coopersamuel

COPELAND, JOSEPH TARR (1813-93) Union Brigadier General

# copelandjosephtarr

COPLEY, JOHN SINGLETON, BARON LYNDHURST (1772-1863) British Lawyer & Politician; American-born son of painter John Singleton Copley; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain – 1827-30, 1834-35, and 1841-46; Member of Parliament – 1818-27

# copleyjohnsingleton

CORBETT, BOSTON (1832-94?) Union Sergeant – 16th New York Cavalry; Killed Lincoln Assassin John Wilkes Booth, April 26 1865

# corbettboston

CORBIN, HENRY CLARK (1842-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant – 83rd & 79th Ohio Infantries; Union Colonel – 14th U.S. Colored Troops; Spanish-American War General

# corbinhenryclark

CORCORAN, MICHAEL (1827-63) Union Brigadier General - New York

# corcoranmichael

CORDAY, CHARLOTTE (1768-93) French Revolution – Assassinated Jacobin Leader Jean-Paul Marat & was executed by guillotine on July 17, 1793

# cordaycharlotte
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