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ALEXANDER, EDWARD PORTER (1835-1910) Confederate Brigadier General

# alexanderep

ALEXANDER, JEDIAH FRANKLIN (1827-?) Officer in the St. Louis & Southeastern Railway; Resident of Greenville, Illinois

# alexanderjedediahfranklin

ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, LORD STIRLING (1726-83) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army

# alexanderwilliam

ALEXANDRA OF DENMARK (1844-1925) Queen Consort of the United Kingdom - 1901-10; Wife of Edward VII

# alexandraofdenmark

ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) Italian Dramatist & Poet

# affieriv

ALGER, HORATIO, JR. (1832-99) American Writer

# algerhoratiojr

ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER (1836-1907) Union Officer of Michigan Cavalry in the American Civil War; Union Brevet Major General; U.S. Secretary of War – 1897-99; Governor of Michigan – 1885-87; U.S. Senator – Michigan – 1902-07

# algerrussellalexander

ALLEN, ETHAN (1737-89) American Revolutionary War – Colonel in the Continental Army & Major General of Vermont Militia

# allene

ALLEN, HENRY WATKINS (1820-66) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Governor of Louisiana – 1864-65

# allenhenrywatkins

ALLEN, IRA (1751-1814) A Founder of the State of Vermont; Leader of the Green Mountain Boys; Younger brother of Ethan Allen

# alleni

ALLEN, IRA WILDER (1827-?) Prominent Educator in Chicago, Illinois

# allenirawilder

ALLEN, JONATHAN ADAMS (1825-?) Prominent Physician & Educator in Chicago, Illinois; Official Surgeon-in-Chief of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company

# allenjonathanadams

ALLEN, ROBERT (1811-86) Union Brigadier General

# allenrobert

ALLEN, WILLIAM WIRT (1835-94) Confederate Major General - Alabama

# allenwilliamwirt

ALLEN, WILLIS (1806-59) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1851-55

# allenwillis

ALLENBY, EDMUND H.H. (1861-1936) British Field Marshal

# allenbyedmundhh

ALLISON, ABRAHAM K. (1814-93) Confederate State Senator – Florida - 1862-64; Captain of the Franklin Rifles during the Seminole War; U.S. Representative – Florida - 1845, 1847, and 1852; Governor of Confederate Florida - 1865

# allisonak

ALLISON, WILLIAM BOYD (1829-1908) U.S. Senator – Iowa - 1873-1908; U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1863-71

# allisonwilliamboyd

ALLSTON, BENJAMIN (1833-1900) Confederate Colonel – South Carolina

# allstonbenjamin

ALLYN, ROBERT (1817-94) President of the Southern Illinois Normal University in Carbondale, Illinois

# allynrobert
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