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COLLIER, BARRON G. (1873-1939) American Entrepreneur, instrumental in the development of southwestern Florida; Namesake of Collier County, Florida

# collierbarrong

COLLIER, HENRY W. (1801-55) Governor of Alabama – 1849-53; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama – 1837-49

# collierhenryw

COLLINGWOOD, CUTHBERT (1748-1810) British Naval Officer during the American Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars; Admiral of the Royal Navy – 1804-10

# collingwoodcuthbert

COLLINS, FRANCIS D. (1841-91) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1875-79

# collinsfrancis

COLLINS, THOMAS LeROY (1909-91) Governor of Florida - 1955-61; U.S. Navy Lieutenant – 1944-46

# collinsthomasleroy

COLLIS, CHARLES HENRY TUCKER (1838-1902) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 114th Pennsylvania Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Fredericksburg

# collischarleshenrytucker

COLLYER, ROBERT (1823-1912) English-Born American Unitarian Clergyman in Chicago, Illinois

# collyerrobert

COLQUITT, ALFRED H. (1824-1894) Confederate Brigadier General –Georgia; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1853-55; Governor of Georgia – 1877-82; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1883-94

# colquittalfredh

COLSTON, RALEIGH EDWARD (1825-96) Confederate Brigadier General

# colstonraleighedward

COLTON, CHAUNCEY SILL (1800-85) Union Quartermaster – 83rd Illinois Infantry, 1862-63, the unit being heavily engaged in the attack of Nathan Bedford Forrest and Joseph Wheeler on Fort Donelson, Tennessee – February 3, 1864

# coltonchaunceysill

COLYAR, ARTHUR ST. CLAIR (1818-1907) Confederate Congressman – 1864-65

# colyararthurstclair

COMSTOCK, ANTHONY (1844-1915) American Anti-Obscenity Crusader, created the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice; Union Army Private – 17th Connecticut Infantry

# comstockanthony

CONKLIN, JAMES TALLMADGE (1829-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# conklinjamestallmadge

CONNER, JAMES (1829-83) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# connerjames

CONNOR, PATRICK EDWARD (1820-91) Union Brigadier General; Officer in the Texas Foot Riflemen during the Mexican War; Veteran of the Seminole & Western Indian Wars

# connorpatrickedward

CONNOR, SELDEN (1839-1917) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Maine – 1876-79

# connorselden

CONRAD, CHARLES MAGILL (1804-78) Confederate Congressman – 1862-65; U.S. Secretary of War – 1850-53; Acting U.S. Secretary of State – 1852; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1842-43; U.S. Representative – 1849-50

# conradcharlesmagill

CONROW, AARON HACKETT (1824-65) Confederate Congressman – Missouri – 1861-65; Confederate Colonel of Missouri State Guard; Murdered by bandits in Mexico – August 15, 1865

# conrowaaronhackett

COOK, JAMES (1728-79) British Naval Officer & Explorer; Known for voyages to Australia, New Zealand & The Hawaiian Islands, where he was killed by natives in 1779

# cookjames

COOK, JOHN POPE (1825-1910) Union Brigadier General; Elected Mayor of Springfield, Illinois - 1855

# cookjohnpope
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