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CLARKE, JOHN HOPKINS (1789-1870) U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1847-53

# clarkejohnhopkins

CLARKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1819-86) Confederate Colonel – 24th North Carolina Infantry

# clarkewilliamjohn

CLAUSSENIUS, HENRY (1825-96) German Consul in Chicago, Illinois, circa 1870

# clausseniushenry

CLAY, CASSIUS MARCELLUS (1810-1903) Union Major General – Kentucky; U.S. Minister to Russia - 1861-62 & 1863-69

# claycassiusmarcellus

CLAY, CLEMENT CLAIBORNE, JR. (1816-82) Confederate Senator – Alabama – 1862-64; U.S. Senator – Alabama – 1853-61

# clayclementclaibornejr

CLAY, HENRY (1777-1852) U.S. Secretary of State - 1825-29; U.S. Presidential Candidate - 1824, 1832 & 1844

# clayhenry

U.S. Senator – Kentucky – 1806-07, 1810-11, 1831-42 & 1849-52; U.S. Congressman – Kentucky – 1813-14, 1815-21 & 1823-25; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1811-14, 1815-20 & 1823-25

CLAY-CLOPTON, VIRGINIA (1825–1915) Wife of U.S. Senator Clement Claiborne Clay of Alabama; Early activist in the United Daughters of the Confederacy & the Women’s Suffrage Movement

# claycloptonvirginia

CLAYTON, ALEXANDER MOSBY (1801-89) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi - 1861

# claytonalexandermosby

CLAYTON, HENRY DeLAMAR, SR. (1827-89) Confederate Major General - Alabama

# claytonhenrydelamarsr

CLAYTON, POWELL FOULK (1833-1914) Union Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 5th Kansas Cavalry; Governor of Arkansas – 1868-71; U.S. Senator – Arkansas – 1871-77; U.S. Ambassador to Mexico – 1897-1905; President of the Eureka Springs Railroad – 1883-99

# claytonpowellfoulk

CLEBURNE, PATRICK RONAYNE (1828-64) Confederate Major General – Arkansas; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee – November 30, 1864

# cleburnepr

CLEM, JOHN LINCOLN “JOHNNY” (1851-1937) Union Lance Sergeant - 22nd Michigan; Served at Chickamauga; Wounded twice during the Atlanta Campaign

# clemjohnny

"The Drummer Boy of Chickamauga"

CLEMENS, OLIVIA LANGDON (1845-1904) Wife of American Author Samuel Langhorne Clemens, also known as Mark Twain

# clemensolivialangdon

CLEMENS, ORION (1825-97) Secretary of the Nevada Territory – 1861-64; Older brother of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, famous author who wrote under the pen name Mark Twain

# clemensorion

CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE (1835-1910) American Author, also known as Mark Twain

# clemenssamuellanghorne

CLEVELAND, FRANCES FOLSOM (1864-1947) U.S. First Lady – 1886-89 & 1893-97

# clevalandfrancesfolsom

CLEVELAND, GROVER (1837-1908) Twenty-Second & Twenty-Fourth U.S. President - 1885-89 & 1893-97; Governor of New York – 1883-85; Mayor of Buffalo, New York - 1882

# clevelandgrover

CLEVELAND, ROSE ELIZABETH (1846-1918) Sister of Grover Cleveland; Served as functional First Lady during her brother’s time as New York Governor and as U.S. President before his marriage to Frances Folsom

# clevelandroseelizabeth

CLIFFORD, NATHAN (1803-81) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1858-81; U.S. Attorney General – 1846-48; U.S. Representative – Maine – 1839-43

# cliffordnathan

CLINCH, DUNCAN LAMONT (1787-1849) U.S. Brevet Brigadier General - Commanded at the Seminole Indian War Battle of Withlacoochie; Served in the War of 1812; U.S. Representative – Georgia - 1845-46

# clinchduncanlamont
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