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CHURCHWELL, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY (1826-62) Confederate Colonel – 34th Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1851-55

# churchwellwilliammontgomery

CIENFUEGOS, CAMILO (1932-59) Prominent Figure in the Cuban Revolutionary Army

# cienguegoscamilo

CINQUE, JOSEPH (circa 1814-79) Kidnapped West African, led the revolt aboard the "Amistad" in 1839

# cinquej

CIST, HENRY MARTYN (1839-1902) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# cisthenrymartyn

CLAIBORNE, JOHN M. (1839-1909) Confederate Officer – 8th Texas Cavalry, known as Terry’s Texas Rangers; Served under Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph Wheeler, and John Wharton, and was wounded three times during the Civil War

# claibornejohnm

Joined President Jefferson Davis and General John C. Breckinridge after they fled Richmond, and was captured by Union Troops near Cedartown, Georgia on May 15, 1865; Editor of a Texas newspaper, the “New Birmingham Times,” in the 1890s

CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLE (1775-1817) First Governor of Mississippi Territory – 1801; First Governor of Orleans Territory – 1804-12; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1817; Veteran of the Battle of New Orleans

# claibornewilliamcharlescole

CLANTON, JAMES HOLT (1827-71) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama

# clantonjamesholt

CLARK, CHARLES (1811-77) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi; Confederate Governor of Mississippi – 1863-65

# clarkc

CLARK, DANIEL (1809-91) U.S. Senator – New Hampshire – 1857-66

# clarkdaniel

CLARK, GEORGE ROGERS (1752-1818) American Revolutionary War, Brigadier General of Virginia Militia

# clarkgeorgerogers

CLARK, JAMES BEAUCHAMP “CHAMP” (1850-1921) U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1893-95 & 1897-21; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1911-19

# clarkjamesbeauchamp

CLARK, JOHN BULLOCK, JR. (1831-1903) Confederate Brigadier General – Missouri; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1873-83

# clarkjohnbullockjr

CLARK, JOHN BULLOCK, SR. (1802-85) Confederate General of Missouri State Troops; Confederate Congressman & Senator – Missouri – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1857-61

# clarkjohnbullocksr

CLARK, LINCOLN (1800-86) U.S. Congressman – Iowa – 1851-53

# clarklincoln

CLARK, WALLIS OLWIN (1854-1914) U.S. Army Officer, graduated from West Point in 1877; Served with the 7th U.S. Cavalry in the western Indian Wars

# clarkwallisolwin

CLARK, WILLIAM (1770-1838) American Soldier & Explorer, famous for the “Lewis & Clark Expedition”; Governor of Missouri Territory – 1813-20

# clarkwilliam

CLARK, WILLIAM THOMAS (1831-1905) Union Brigadier General – Iowa; U.S. Congressman – Texas – 1870-72

# clarkwilliamthomas

CLARKE, HENRY FRANCIS (1820-87) Union Brevet Major General; Brevetted Brigadier General for Gallantry at the Battle of Gettysburg; Aide on the Staff of General George B. McClellan

# clarkehenryfrancis

CLARKE, JOHN HOPKINS (1789-1870) U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1847-53

# clarkejohnhopkins

CLARKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1819-86) Confederate Colonel – 24th North Carolina Infantry

# clarkewilliamjohn
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