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CHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA LAWRENCE (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 20th Maine Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Gettysburg; Governor of Maine – 1867-71; President of Bowdoin College – 1871-83

# chamberlainjoshualawrence

CHAMBERLAIN, THOMAS D. (1841-96) Union Lieutenant Colonel - 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Brother of Union General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

# chamberlainthomasd

CHAMBERS, HENRY COUSINS (1823-71) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1862-65

# chambershenrycousins

CHAMBERS, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1802-65) Major General of Texas Troops during the War for Independence with Mexico; Namesake of Chambers County, Texas

# chambersthomasjefferson

CHAMBLISS, JOHN RANDOLPH, JR. (1833-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action at the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, Virginia – August 14, 1864

# chamblissjohnrandolphjr

CHAMPION, THOMAS EMMET (1825-73) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 96th Illinois Infantry

# championthomasemmet

CHAMPLIN, STEPHEN GARDNER (1827-64) Union Brigadier General; Died of wounds from the battles of Seven Pines & Second Bull Run

# chajplinstephengardner

CHANDLER, ZACHARIAH (1813-79) U.S. Secretary of the Interior - 1875-77; U.S. Senator – Michigan - 1857-75 & 1879; Mayor of Detroit, Michigan – 1851-52

# chandlerzachariah

CHAPIN, EDWARD PAYSON (1831-63) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Port Hudson, Louisiana – May 27, 1863

# chapinedwardpayson

CHAPLIN, SIR CHARLES SPENCER “CHARLIE” (1889-1977) English Comic Actor, Filmmaker, and Composer

# chaplincharlie

CHAPMAN, AUGUSTUS A. (1803-76) Confederate Brigadier General of Virginia Militia; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1843-47

# chapmanaugustusa

CHAPMAN, GEORGE HENRY (1832-82) Union Brigadier General

# chapmangeorgehenry

CHAPMAN, REUBEN (1799-1882) Confederate Representative to France – 1862-65; U.S. Congressman – Alabama – 1835-47; Governor of Alabama – 1847-49

# chapmanreuben

CHARDIN, JEAN (1643-1713) French Jeweller & Traveller; Author of “The Travels of Sir John Chardin”

# chardinjean

CHARLEMAGNE (748-814) King of the Franks & Lombards; First Holy Roman Emperor – 800-814

# charlemagne

CHARLES, DUKE OF ORLEANS (1394-1465) French Nobleman & Medieval Poet

# charlesoforleans

CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA (1796-1817) Princess of Wales; Only child of King George IV of England; First wife of Leopold I of Belgium

# charlotteaugusta

CHASE, HENRY INGRAHAM (1820-96) Prominent Merchant & Grain Trader in Peoria, Illinois; Appointed Deputy Collector of the Fifth District of Illinois by President Abraham Lincoln

# chasehenryingraham

CHASE, SALMON PORTLAND (1808-73) U.S. Treasury Secretary - 1861-64; Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court - 1864-73; Governor of Ohio – 1856-60; U.S. Senator – Ohio – 1849-55 & 1861

# chasesalmonportland

CHASE, SAMUEL (1741-1811) Member of the Continental Congress – Maryland – 1776-78; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1796-1811; Acquitted after being impeached by Congress, 1804-05

# chasesamuel
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