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CARLILE, JOHN SNYDER (1817-78) U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1855-57 & 1861

# carlilejohnsnyder

CARLIN, WILLIAM H. Illinois State Congressman, circa 1850s; Postmaster of Quincy, Illinois - 1858-61

# carlinwilliamh

CARLIN, WILLIAM PASSMORE (1829-1903) Union Brigadier General – Illinois; Namesake of Carlin, Nevada

# carlinwilliampassmore

CARNEGIE, ANDREW (1835-1919) Scottish-Born American Industrialist & Philanthropist

# carnegieandrew

CARNEGIE, WILLIAM, EARL OF NORTHESK (1756-1831) British Naval Officer during the American Revolutionary, French Revolutionary, and Napoleonic Wars; Rear Admiral of the United Kingdom – 1821-31

# carnegiewilliam

CARNES, WILLIAM WATTS (1841-1932) Served in the Confederate Army & Navy during the American Civil War; Sheriff of Shelby County, Tennessee – 1896-97

# carneswilliamwatts

CARPENTER, JOHN NEWSOM (1825-93) Confederate Colonel – 2nd Alabama Cavalry

# carpenterjohnnewsom

CARPENTER, PHILO (1805-86) American Abolitionist; First pharmacist in Chicago, Illinois, circa 1832; A founder and leader of the Chicago chapter of the American Anti-Slavery Society

# carpenterphilo

CARR, EUGENE ASA NIEL (1830-1910) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas – March 7, 1862

# carreugeneasaniel

CARR, JOSEPH BRADFORD (1828-95) Union Brigadier General - New York

# carrjosephbradford

CARR, ROBERT JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER (1774-1841) English Churchman; Bishop of Chichester – 1824-31; Bishop of Worcester - 1831-41

# carrrobertjames

CARRINGTON, HENRY BEEBEE (1824-1912) Union Brigadier General

# carringtonhenrybeebee

CARROLL, CHARLES OF CARROLLTON (1737-1832) Signer of the Declaration of Independence – Maryland – the Only Catholic & Last-Surviving Signer; Delegate to the Continental Congress – Maryland – 1776-78; U.S. Senator - Maryland – 1789-92

# carrollcharlesofcarrollton

CARROLL, DAVID WILLIAMSON (1816-1905) Confederate Colonel – 18th Arkansas Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Arkansas - 1865

# carrolldavidwilliamson

CARROLL, SAMUEL SPRIGG (1832-93) Union Brigadier General

# carrollsamuelsprigg

CARROLL, WILLIAM HENRY (1810-68) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee

# carrollwilliamhenry

CARSON, CHRISTOPHER HOUSTON “KIT” (1809-68) American Frontiersman & U.S. Army Officer; Union Brevet Brigadier General during the American Civil War

# carsonchristopherhouston

CARSON, JAMES MARSH (1831-88) Confederate Officer - South Carolina

# carsonjamesmarsh

CARTEAUX, JEAN BAPTISTE FRANCOIS (1751-1813) French Painter & General in the French Revolutionary Army; Commander-in-Chief of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Army during the Siege of Toulon - 1793

# carteauxjeanbaptistefrancois

CARTER, JAMES EARL, JR. “JIMMY” (1924- ) Thirty-Ninth U.S. President – 1977-81; Governor of Georgia – 1971-75

# carterjamesearl
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