Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
CAMPBELL, JOHN (circa 1795-1845) U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1829-31 & 1837-45
# campbelljohn
Signature as US Congressman
Signed Album Page circa 1840 as US Representative with others
CAMPBELL, JOHN ARCHIBALD (1811-89) Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1853-61; Confederate Assistant Secretary of War – 1862-65
# campbellja
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 04 25 resignation from the US Supreme Court
Document Signed 1863 01 17 with WNR Beall
Autograph Note Signed 1863 06 23
Signature as CSA Asst Secretary of War
Autograph Letter Signed 1865 04 18
Letter Signed 1865 08 21 as POW at Fort Pulaski
CAMPBELL, JOSIAH ABIGAIL PATTERSON (1830-1917) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 40th Mississippi Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-62
# campbelljosiahabigailpatterson
CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) Scottish Poet & Author
# campbellthomas
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM BOWEN (1807-67) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Tennessee – 1851-53; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1837-43 & 1866-67
# campbellwilliambowen
Letter Signed 1841 03 03 with others pg1
Letter Signed 1841 03 03 with others pg2
Signature from a letter
CAMPELL, J.W. (?-?) Sheriff of Jefferson County, Virginia during the trial, imprisonment, and execution of John Brown in 1859
# campbelljw
Autograph Note Signed postscript from a John Brown letter 1859 10
CAMPISTRON, JEAN GALBERT de (1656-1723) French Dramatist
# campistronjeangalbertde
Autograph Letter Signed
CAMUS, ALBERT (1913-60) French philosopher, Author, and Journalist
# camusalbert
Inscribed Signed Book
Autograph Letter Signed circa 1956
CANBY, EDWARD RICHARD SPRIGG (1817-73) Union Major General; Killed by Modoc Indians in 1873; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars
# canbyedwardrichardsprigg
Autograph Document Signed 1849 04 20
Autograph Document Signed 1849 11 18
Autograph Letter Signed 1865
Document Signed 1864 03 22
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
Document Signed portion 1867 11
Document Signed portion 1868 03
CANDY, CHARLES (1832-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 66th Ohio Infantry
# candycharles
Signature with Rank
CANFIELD, EUGENE (1837-?) Prominent Attorney in Aurora, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1872
# canfieldeugene
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
CANGE, CHARLES du FRESNE (1610-88) French Philologist & Historian
# cnagecharlesdufresne
Autograph Letter Signed 1655 08 27
CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) British Prime Minister & Chancellor of the Exchequer – 1827; British Foreign Secretary – 1807-09 & 1822-27; Leader of the House of Commons – 1822-27
# canninggeorge
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
CAPERS, ELLISON (1837-1908) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina
# capersellison
Signed Card
CAPERS, FRANCIS WITHERS (1819-92) Confederate General of Georgia State Troops
# capersfranciswithers
Signature from a letter
CAPERTON, ALLEN TAYLOR (1810-76) Confederate Senator – Virginia – 1863-65; U.S. Senator – West Virginia – 1875-76
# capertonallentaylor
CAPONE, ALPHONSE G. (1899-1945) Prohibition-era American Gangster & Businessman
# caponealphonseg
Signed US Currency
Signed Photograph
Signed Photograph reverse inscribed to his mother
CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-84) American Writer
# capotetruman
Autograph Letter Signed first page unsigned 1963 04 22
Autograph Letter Signed 1963 04 22 signature
CAREY, WILLIAM, LORD BISHOP OF EXETER (1769-1846) English Churchman; Bishop of Exeter, 1820—30 & St. Asaph – 1830-46
# careywilliam
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
CARLETON, JAMES HENRY (1814-73) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & western Indian Wars
# carletonjameshenry
Signature with Rank