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CALDWELL, JOHN CURTIS (1833-1912) Union Brigadier General

# caldwelljohncurtis

CALDWELL, JOHN HENRY (1826-1902) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 10th Alabama Infantry; U.S. Representative - Alabama – 1873-77

# caldwelljohnhenry

CALHOUN, JAMES MONTGOMERY (1811-75) Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia – 1862-65; Recipient of the famous “War is Cruelty” letter from Union General William Tecumseh Sherman upon the surrender of the city, September 1864

# calhounjamesmontgomery

CALHOUN, JOHN C. (1782-1850) U.S. Vice President - 1825-32; U.S. Secretary of War - 1817-25; U.S. Secretary of State - 1844-45; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1811-17; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1845-50

# calhounjohnc

CALL, RICHARD K. (1792-1862) Florida Territorial Governor – 1835-40 & 1841-44; Aide to General Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans; Brigadier General of West Florida Militia; U.S. Representative – 1823-25

# callrichardk

CALL, WILKINSON (1834-1910) U.S. Senator – Florida – 1879-97; Nephew of Richard Call, Florida Territorial Governor – 1836-39 & 1841-44; Served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War

# callwilkinson

CALLAHAN, SAMUEL BENTON (1833-1911) Confederate Soldier in the First Creek Mounted Volunteers; Confederate Congressman – Creek & Seminole Nations – 1864-65

# callahansamuelbenton

CALLENDER, FRANKLIN DYER (1817-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Commander of the St. Louis Arsenal; Chief of Ordnance – Department of the Missouri

# callenderfranklndyer

CAMERON, ANGUS (1826-97) U.S. Senator – Wisconsin – 1875-85

# cameronangus

CAMERON, DANIEL, JR. (1828-79) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Commander of Camp Douglas Military Prison, Chicago, Illinois

# camerondanieljr

CAMERON, JAMES DONALD (1833-1918) U.S. Secretary of War - 1876-77; U.S. Senator - Pennsylvania - 1877-97

# cameronjamesdonald

CAMERON, ROBERT ALEXANDER (1828-94) Union Brigadier General

# cameronrobertalexander

CAMERON, SIMON (1799-1889) U.S. Secretary of War – 1861-62, during the American Civil War; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1845-49, 1857-61 & 1867-77

# cameronsimon


CAMPAN, HENRIETTE GENET (1752-1822) French Educator & Writer; Lady’s Maid in the service of Marie Antoinette before and during the French Revolution; Appointed headmistress of the first "Maison d'éducation de la Légion d'honneur" by Napoleon in 1807

# campanhg

CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER WILLIAM (1828-93) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Elected Mayor of Jackson, Tennessee - 1856

# campbellalexanderwilliam

CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD (1739-91) Major General in the British Army; Governor of Georgia – 1778-79; Governor of Jamaica – 1781-84; Governor of Madras – 1786-89; Member of Parliament – 1774-80 & 1789-91

# campbellarchibald

CAMPBELL, CHARLES THOMAS (1823-95) Union Brigadier General

# campbellcharlesthomas

CAMPBELL, JACOB MILLER (1821-88) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1877-79 & 1881-87

# campbelljacobmiller

CAMPBELL, JAMES (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1853-57; Attorney General of Pennsylvania – 1852-53; Prominent Antebellum Catholic Politician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

# campbelljames

CAMPBELL, JAMES (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1853-57; Attorney General of the State of Pennsylvania – 1852-53

# campbellj
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